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We Are Grounders Part Two (13,1)

Tyra took her sweet time dressing and arming herself, being careful with each tie of her boots, and each weight of the knives on her arms. Even though she doubted it, that could be the last time she ever armed and dressed herself.

The possibility of her dying wasn't something she liked to think about before going into battle, it distracted her from the main objective of winning if all she ever thought about was her dead body over Trikru dirt. The same dirt that had taken all of her family from her, taking her body as well.

Just as she was finishing tying her boots, Tyra heard the crunch of a leaf behind her, with not even a second to hesitate in case it was a hostile sky person, she tensed her bow and turned to aim at the sound.

It was Bellamy with his arms raised, her arrow between his fingers, while his free hand held his gun pointing towards the sky, free from harming her.

"Just me." Tyra let the arrow drop, swinging her bow back over her back.

"You shouldn't be outside your camp. It is dangerous for you." Bellamy shrugged, leaning on a tree while Tyra stood opposite to him.

"Thought I'd risk it to thank you for what you did with Murphy back there." Tyra shrugged in return while she tried untangling small bits of her hair next to her face to braid it again.

"You were the one who bought enough time for me to free myself." Bellamy tiredly smiled at her, allowing his head to lean against the tree bark behind him.

"You could've just said you're welcome, Tyra."

"You are welcome, Bellamy." While he outed a near silent laugh, Tyra began to braid one side of her hair down her face, trying not to show the clear discomfort after every tug she had to make with each turn.

"I also came to say goodbye. We're all leaving. I'd tell you where, but-"

"I'd tell Anya." Bellamy nodded, tucking his free hand that had been holding on to her arrow in his pocket.

"Precisely." Tyra tied off her first braid, looking around the trees, waiting to see some of her own people. Only to see it was still empty, they had yet to arrive.

"Goodbye then." Tyra grabbed the clothes she had been using to disguise herself and tossed it behind a bush once more, not really caring if Bellamy saw where she hid it and wished to take them. She doubted she'd have to use those clothes ever again.

"What? No, 'I'll miss you, Bellamy'? 'It was nice meeting you, Bellamy'? Hell, I'll even take a 'hope you die, and we win'." Tyra rolled her eyes, trying not to show how truly amused she was from Bellamy's remarks.

"I'm glad you did not die by Murphy's hand. Goodbye, Bellamy."

He seemed to have taken that as a good enough answer and nodded, tucking Tyra's arrow in his inside pocket purely for remembrance purposes before beginning to head back to his camp, while Tyra left to set herself up in the trees for when the warriors arrived.

"Goodbye, Tyra."


Tyra had her legs crossed over a fairly thick branch, a wet stone sitting on her lap for the usage of sharpening her sword. It hadn't seen its proper use for battle in years now, and though Tyra's first instinct had never been war, she was itching to get back to it again.

Tyra had fought her first proper battle at fifteen. That battle would've determined her future as a warrior, whether she could rise to the top or stay at the bottom. Lexa couldn't influence the fight either, so it had all rested upon Tyra's shoulders.

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