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Day Trip (8,2)

Just when Tyra believed things could not get weirder for the two of them, the hatch opened again to reveal Octavia again, only this time she was carrying a bundle of clothes in her arms while she rose from the ground.

"Don't move. We need to go now." Octavia dropped the bundle of clothes on the ground, immediately rushing toward to grab Tyra's knife and began to cut her binds first.

As soon as the first one snapped, Tyra immediately brought her wrist to her chest, using her teeth to free her for good of the binding. All the skin around her wrist was purple and black, a terrible sight if the person seeing it did not know of Tyra's Nightblood. But Octavia didn't seem to notice.

She made quick work of cutting Tyra's other wrist and tossing her some clothes before moving on to Lincoln's bindings.

Octavia had tossed her something similar to a coat, only it carried a hood behind, like one she'd use to hide her identity. Only the bright sky-blue colour wouldn't help her much in stealth in normal conditions, but for the sky people it was ideal.

"Why are you doing this?" Lincoln grunted in pain as one of his arms was freed, immediately dropping to his knees while Tyra behind him began putting on the coat with a hood, pushing her curls inside the hood with her sore arms.

"Just get dressed." Octavia tossed Tyra what looked like a vest made of the same material jeans would be made of, stray strings falling from various holes across the chest. Meanwhile, Octavia took it upon herself to put Lincoln inside a similar rig out, only his coat-cloak was red and instead of a vest he had a jacket.

"They'll know you helped us." Tyra struggled to close up her borrowed clothing, so Octavia rushed to her side and quickly did it for her, tucking the last of her curls inside.

"Be grateful she is helping us at all, Lincoln." Lincoln huffed, attempting to stand on his own and failing before both women rushed to his side to help him.

"You said it... you stay here, you'll die. I'm not gonna let that happen."

"I'm not gonna put you in danger." 

"You need to do this now." Lincoln looked between the two, eyes lingering on Tyra's odd appearance. Between the shadows from the hood and her coal covered face, it looked as if she didn't have a face, only two piercing blue eyes.

"If you don't go, I will stay behind with you. And you know what Lexa will do if she doesn't hear from me." Reluctantly, Lincoln nodded, finally allowing Tyra and Octavia to pull him to his feet.

"Okay. Even in these clothes, we'll be seen." Octavia shrugged, trying to match Tyra's careful steps as she helped carry Lincoln to the hatch.

"People are seeing plenty of things right now. Let's go."

"What'd you do?" Lincoln asked while they slowly kept walking to the hatch, unwillingly giving more of his weight to Tyra than Octavia. But Tyra could handle it, she had dragged heavier men than Lincoln across hundreds of yards.

"Set out some of our winter rations a little early."

"Jobi nuts, the food you gave our guard." Tyra's eyes widened, immediately stopping her walk to look at Octavia.

"You gave your people Jobi nuts? When they go bad, they cause visions." Octavia shrugged as if it had been no big deal and kept dragging Lincoln, leaving Tyra no other choice but to follow in her steps.

"But it wears off." Octavia and Tyra stopped right beside the hatch, Tyra being the one to heave it open and look below to see if there was anyone to spot them, which there was not.

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