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Murphy's Law (4,3)

Before returning to her post, Tyra made a quick stop back at the Trikru village Anya resided at to see if Lexa had sent any news of feedback, she'd even take some classic Polis gossip. Tyra just wanted to know she was alright in a city filled with her enemies, where allies were scarce and not in a position to defend her.

But there was nothing. Quinctus had apparently sent word to his parents that he'd be staying in Polis for a few more days by order of Lexa. But he hadn't mentioned anything remotely related to Tyra.

It gave her a slight peace of mind knowing that Lexa was out giving orders, that meant she was in good health. Yet, as what always happened when the two were apart, Tyra still had an underlying worry for her sister.

Nevertheless, she let Lexa simmer, they needed their time apart from the other to grow as their own separate individuals. And Tyra ignoring her problems and delving into her duties day and night seemed to be the way she had chosen her path.

The sky people were being weirdly silent as she approached her typical tree to rest for the night, usually you could hear the sky people all the way towards the Trikru village, the flames of their fire rising high towards the sky.

But that night it was silent, even the crickets didn't seem to want to sing. Tyra attributed it towards the two losses they had suffered in one day. One permanently lost while the other would live, never to be seen again.

It was poetic in a sense.

Once she spotted her resting tree, Tyra immediately stopped in her tracks, her steps carrying a new step of hesitance. Down by the trunk of the tree, right at eye level, there was an arrow embedded into the wood. An arrow with reddish feathers and carved body. Tyra's arrow.

"Is that subtle enough for you?" Tyra retrieved her arrow from the tree, slowly turning around to face Bellamy.

He looked much calmer than when they were on the cliff, although his hands were buried deep into his pockets, only coming out to brush stray strands of hair out of his eyes. A classic sign of nerves.

"It is an improvement," Bellamy awkwardly nodded, kicking at the dirt around his feet. He wasn't looking to the conversation ahead.

"I am sorry about Charlotte, she was a strong girl."

"Thank you." Tyra twirled her arrow between her fingers, feeling each little indent in the wood.

"I assume you are here about the deal we made before it all happened." Bellamy looked up from his feet, staring straight at Tyra. It felt like he was trying to break all her walls with a single look, but he couldn't manage to.

"A deal is a deal, so, ask away." Tyra let her back rest against the tree trunk, at least making an attempt at seeming less threatening. But it didn't help much.

"How many sky people are there?" Bellamy let his shoulders deflate. He claimed to be the strong leader that everyone should follow so the Grounders didn't kill them, yet there he was, giving out information to the same people he swore he would protect his own from.

"Thousands. But down here we started out with a hundred, not counting me. Now we're probably at around ninety-five, maybe less."

"The blonde woman," Bellamy scrunched his eyebrows, not in a malicious manner but in a way that gave Tyra the idea he had no clue about who she was asking about. "The one who stopped you from killing Murphy." Bellamy nodded, his face going back to its impassive expression.

"Clarke Griffin. What about her?"

"Is she your people's leader too?" Bellamy looked over the wall leading into his camp, a breath falling past his lips. He was regretting his choice of deal that he made earlier.

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