Part 28* There ending

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The two teens ending was short but sweet. 

They had decided that they would part when ash and Fez ran away from the police. She didn't want to have to let him go but she knew it was the right thing to do. He had to be there for his brother. 

They were spending time together . There last day together. They were sat on the bed together, her head rested on his shoulder and his arm swung around her. 

When all of a sudden Fez comes storming in the room with a look of panic in his face shouting "Ash ash guys, you need to get out fucking now".

They sit up worried and ash says "What the fuck, what's happening Fez?"

"The police, there here they've' got fucking weapons and shit, yall need to get out , now" Fez says sternly trying to hurry them out of the door.

The two teens rush out of the door in a hurry and Fez points to the window. Ash looks at him in worry tears forming in his eyes and says "Fez, man, I can't leave you here , I can't leave my brother" he pants tears rolling down his face.

"Listen man, I did this shit, not you, you need to go, leave" Fez says firmly his voice breaking as he puts his hands onto Ash's shoulders shaking sense into him.

"I can't fucking leave you man" Ash stutters.

"You need to go, please ash" Fez says .

Charlie nods she knew what was best for him, he loved his brother, but his brother was a survivor she knew he was and if ash stayed in here with Fez. There would be two bodies unalive on the floor today.

"Just please, wait for me Char, go outside I'll there in a min" Ash says turning to face her wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.

She nods in worry whispering "Please just be safe" and wishing Fez good luck.

He kisses her cheek and rubs her back as Charlie sneaks throughout the back window.

She crouches down behind a bush biting at her finger nails in nerve. It had been a while and ash hadn''t come out. She could hear banging on the door then it was gun shots and screams. 

Sticky tears rolled down her face as her knee shakes in nerve. She knew that Ash had been somewhat hurt. What if he's - dead?

All of a sudden, Ash comes speeding round the corner blood dripping down his hand as he holds his chest in agony falling onto the floor. 

"Ash-?" the girl says nervously and runs over towards the boy putting one of his arms around her shoulder.

"Char-" he stutters before she cuts off him.

"Don't speak, just lean onto me" she says walking over to the bush with him.

"Can you take off your shirt" she says panicking placing him down next to her.

He nods taking his shirt off and before she admires him she shakes her head back into realisation and scrunches the top and presses it against his wound. The boy grunts in pain and she settles him down by stroking the back of his head.

"Ash are you ok?" she asks him.

He shakes his head saying "No, that shit was crazy back there, and I just fucking left Fez, like a fucking idiot, but there's not more gun shots so he should be ok" 

"Everything's gonna be fine" the girl says smiling a unreassuringly smile. 

"Fez, didn't shoot, it was me I- started the shooting, like a fucking dopey idiot I am" he says hitting his head in frustration.

"Please ash , don't blame yourself" she says patting his wound dry.

He smiles weakly "If this is the end for us I love you-!"

It was like the worst possible timing. Two police men (or soldiers idk what there called) came running around the corner, spotted us and shot at us. The bullet was coming for me. But ash jumped in front of it. The girl didn't know why he did it. But it was like Romeo and Juliet all over again. She sobbed heavy tears as the other police man shot her as she fell down next to an unconscious ash. The two were barely surving. Maybe this is the end for them.

Ophelia's pov:

I get up wiping the blood off my hands and hugging Javon tightly.

"Anddd thats a wrap!" Sam exclaims shaking mine and Javon's hands, patting us on the back and congratulating us.

"You did great ma," Javon smiles, "I'm just sad to see our characters go" he sighs.

"Aw no I hope that they don't go forever" I say pouting.

"Hopefully fucking not " Angus says coming round the corner grinning and patting our backs.

I smile at him "You did amazing Angus really!"

"You to lil sis" he grins.

"Hey Ima go get dressed I'll catch yall later ight?" I say to them as Javon kisses my cheek.

"Okayy cya!" Javon says waving to me.

"Bye now!" Angus calls as I wave and go into my trailer.



Hope you guys like this chapter :)

My parents are being vv dependent on me recently.

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