Chapter 25: I hate cops!

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At first when Jimin and Yoongi entered the apartment, they felt like they were hearing things.

But walking inside more, they realised that they weren't hallucinating or hearing things, it was actually there.

The sounds of moans.

Jungkook's moans.

Both Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other with wide eyes, feeling like they were glitching.

"Um, hyung, I think we should leave. Your cousin is clearly busy." Jimin tried to save himself as well as Yoongi the humiliation.

He was already loosing his mind over the fact that Taehyung had fallen for a cop, and now the one person he actually feels attracted to ends up being a cop too.

And to make things worse, they both are cousins? Like seriously?

Could it get any worse?

Actually yes, it is actually happening right now.

"What the fuck?" Yoongi whisper yelled already getting mad.

"No, there's no way, he's... Let's check if Kook's okay." Yoongi insisted making Jimin cry internally.

He really didn't want to face Taehyung right now, neither did he want to see that little devil's face.

But before he could even say a word, Yoongi was already on his way to barge inside Jungkook's room.

"Wait_" too late.

Yoongi opened the door and froze, seeing the sight in front of him.

There was man sitting over Jungkook's ass while Jungkook was shirtless and on his stomach and the man's hands were over Jungkook's waist.

He was massaging it?

The duo still hadn't noticed the opened door.

Suddenly Jungkook whimpered out
"Hurts." when Taehyung's hand worked over where he had hit himself and that was it for Yoongi.

He charged towards the man and pulled him off Jungkook by his collar, before punching him square in the jaw, and Taehyung couldn't even stop him as it was pretty fast.

"HOW DARE YOU?" He roared over Taehyung's frame who had fallen from the bed while still holding his jaw and glazing at Yoongi with dark eyes.

Jimin's eyes widened hearing that and he too ran inside the room only to witness the sight he least expected.

"Tae!" Jungkook shouted as he stood up slightly wincing and went towards Taehyung who was close to loose control as well.

"Taetae!" Jimin too ran and crouched down besides Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at him with confusion, with a look that clearly said, 'What the fuck are you doing here?'.

"Tae? Look at me." Jungkook said cupping Taehyung's face very gently, making Taehyung turn to look at him.

"What is wrong with you hyung?" Jungkook loudly scolded Yoongi as he saw the blue bruise forming over Taehyung's jaw.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with him? Who the fuck is this man? And why is he hurting you?" Yoongi yelled hovering over Jungkook's frame who was still crouching besides Taehyung on the floor.

"He wasn't hurting me! He was helping me, I had hurt my back in the shower." Jungkook replied making Yoongi frown in confusion.

Taehyung got up and then made Jungkook stand up too but slowly.

"Sit down baby." Taehyung told Jungkook, ignoring Yoongi's presence. And about Jimin, he will handle him later.

Taehyung gently made Jungkook sit back on the bed with a pillow supporting his back to the headboard,
"Am fine, I promise." Taehyung said as he saw the look of immense concern on Jungkook's face.

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