Chapter 56: The attack.

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"Will you put me down now?" Taehyung asked for the nth time. But his boyfriend just won't listen, he simply shook his head and kept holding Taehyung in his arms like a baby while nuzzling in his neck.

And then even giggling right after as if holding Taehyung was the the best thing he had even done in his entire life.

All his nuzzling was making Taehyung shiver all over his body and he was feeling hot. The way Jungkook's muscles were bulging from his sleeves was so sexy it was giving a hard time to Taehyung. He couldn't help but run his fingers over those hard muscles.

They had been playing for a few rounds now and most of them were hammered pretty bad since they chose truth mostly but couldn't answer so they had to take the shot.

This time the choice was given to Hoseok who was to give a dare to Jimin.

Everybody looked at Hoseok who was smirking evilly and Jimin was slightly scared at that.

It's never good when the man smirks.

"I dare you to take a love shot with Jungkook." Hoseok dropped the bomb as if it meant nothing and everybody just stared at him as if he had grown two heads.

"What's wrong? You guys are so close I hope it won't be such a problem?" Hoseok said smirking and ignoring the glares he was receiving from Taehyung and Yoongi.

Jimin looked at Yoongi and gulped when he saw the dark aura around him, he gave him pleading eyes,
"It's just a shot." He mumbled and Yoongi's jaw clenched at that. He was getting jealous but he had to control it for the sake of his boyfriend.

Jungkook finally put Taehyung down from his arms and Taehyung looked at him skeptically,
"What?" Jungkook asked softly seeing the frown on his face.

Taehyung's frown deepened, he crossed his arms at his chest as he thought,
'You won't put me down after I asked you for so long and now you do because of the dare? Why, eager to do it with him huh?'

Jungkook chuckled as he heard that thought, he softly put a hand over Taehyung's head and patted it,
"It's just a dare Taehyungie." He whispered right against Taehyung's cheek and kissed it. Taehyung shivered again as Jungkook's warm breath tickled his skin.

He put a hand over his chest, trying to control his hammering heart, he knew why Jungkook used the nickname, 'Taehyungie.' Its always a weak point for him. He melts as soon as he hears that and Jungkook knows that very well.

And then the bunny smiles along with it and all his walls break down in a second as if they never existed.

"Kim Jungkook you are too harmful for my heart." He whispered to himself closing his eyes and sighing.

But then he suddenly remembered something Hoseok said, Taehyung squinted his eyes at his boyfriend and asked,
"Since when are you guys close?" He asked trying to conceal his sulking that again returned.

"What are you talking about V? We were always close. Right Kook?" Jimin said coming closer and handing a glass of shot to Jungkook who took it.

Hoseok kept smirking while looking at the two couple, he felt a nudge and looked down at his girlfriend who was sitting over his lap,
"You are so evil." She whispered to him and in return he just chuckled.

"You love it." He replied making her chuckle as well as blush.

As soon as Jungkook and Jimin linked their arms, Jimin winked at Jungkook who giggled in return.

Well it was simply adding fuel to the two pressure cookers'. Both of them were staring at  their boyfriends who looked too casual about it.

And the giggling, well let's not even talk about how much that affected them.

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