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In 7 hours the match will start. I can't wait. It's all i can think about.

My first time going to a match.

Sometimes I regret leaving Belgium, but now it feels worth it. Like a lot of people, I love football. If someone asked me my favorite player before, I would have answered Eden Hazard. But ever since I saw him play, my answer changed.

Pedri. Pedri González López.

His smile, his way of playing, his personality, i like everything about him. 

"Miss ?"

"Oh, Im sorry !" I was distracted for a second... "pardon me,What would you like, sir ?"

Idiot, dont day dream when talking to a customer !

Thank god he isn't mad. He is the guy who comes often. Always with a mask, though, i have never seen his face nor heard his name.

"Do you want the same thing as yesterday ?"

And the day before, and last week, and last month. He takes the same thing everytime he comes here.

He looked surprised I knew what he took. He doesn't come everyday. But at least once a week i see him in the café. And he's the only customer who hides his face with a mask, a cap and a scarf. Some of my coworkers calls him 'the celebrity' because of how much he has clothes on.

"Yes, I'll take my usual."

As I was preparing his order, I saw my customer glance over the counter and see my bag with a football t-shirt in it.

"Are you a football fan ?" He asked. It's The first time he asked me a question, so i was taken aback.

"Yes." I answered with a smile. I'm proud of being a football fan.

"Who's your favorite player ?"

"Pedri." I didn't think twice about the name. It just slipped out of my tongue.

It's hard to tell with a mask, but he looked happy. At least that's what I thought. Does he like Pedri too ?

"What do you like about Pedri ?"

"What is there not to like ?" My face illuminated with his question. Someone i can fangirl to who isn't my friend !

"He's such a great human being, i simply adore him. When i see him play, I can't stop watching, and when he scores a goal, his happiness brings me joy. In my eyes he's one of the greatest players, he's so talented and great, plus he's only a year and a half older than me... he's young so it gives me a sense of closeness to him."

I handed him his order and gave him the polite smile I mastered for my job.

"I respect him so much and wish for his path to always shine no matter what. He deserves it."

My customer smiled through his mask and ended our very first conversation with

"I'm sure Pedri would be glad he met you." before leaving the place without looking back, like he always does.

"If he ever does. Sadly, it won't happen."

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