15. cuddle part 2

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I took out my phone to show him the conversation I had with B.

She said she will show this conversation to my boyfriend. But I'm the one who is doing it.

Ironic isn't it.

I will only show him the 1st part, not the one where she calls him a serial killer.

I'm not sure. But I think, I think, he may be offended she calls him a murderer.

Or he really will kill me and me showing that part will stop him from doing so ?

I ended up not showing him that part.

'Did you know that women get killed more by their partner than their friends, family and strangers ?' I can still hear her goddamn voice.

"You want Pedri, huh ?" He said in a happy tone.

"I can feel your smirk through your mask." I said. He must really like Pedri.

But I didn't always love Pedri. My favorite player was Eden Hazard. He is still my favorite player. Don't get me wrong dear Eden love of my life.

But now he shares the favorite position with Pedri.

And before hearing about Pedri, I loved...

"I first loved Gavi and then I liked Pedri."

The smirk was gone. His eyes got very serious for a moment.

"What ? You loved Gavi first ?! You can't be serious ! GAVI ? GAVI ? GAVI BEFORE PEDRI ?"

What's with this strong reaction ? He's a celebrity.

He's acting as if I just told my boyfriend that I had a crush on his bestfriend before dating him.

It's not that deep. Pedri and Gavi are just football players, nothing more. It's not like we know them or something.

"Wow. Do you hate Gavi or something ? Why ? He's so great, so kind."

"Pedri. You love Pedri. Don't forget that." He quickly said.

"I'm not forgetting anything...?"

What's wrong with him ? How can he love Pedri but hate Gavi ? It's like loving ice cream but hating milkshake.

"Why do you hate Gavi ??"

"What ? I love Gavi. A lot. I would go into a coma of 5 years for that guy."

"Then why..."

"I love Gavi. I hate you loving him."

I'm so lost. My favorite player is Pedri and that makes him so happy, but loving Gavi makes him angry ?

"If you knew how much I love Eden Hazard, you wouldn't even worry about Gavi."

I was in love with Eden. I would have died for him.

"Haa... I don't want to hear about any of them anymore. Please. Or else fights will break out."

"Between me and you ?"

"No. Between me and them."


I laughed sarcasticly. I like him but he's full of himself. There's no way he will ever meet Gavi or Eden.

We were looking at each other and before I could see it, he put his hand on my back and made me fell on him.

My chest is on his torso !

I couldn't breath from nervosity, am I really laying on his chest ? I can't move.

Correction, I can move, but I don't want to.

His heart was right under my ear. Oh my god. Oh my god. Is this happening to me ? Something like this is happening to me ?

He doesn't seem amazed by what he did. He's just watching the match with his arm around me.

I started to breath again and watched the match with him.


"Pedri goaled again ! It was amazing ! I want to scream !" I said as I lifted my head while laying on his chest.

My 'boyfriend' (is he my boyfriend ?)'s face and mine were so close...

Too close. Too close. If one of us moved right now. We would kiss. Too close.

Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool

His eyes were staring in mine. His brown eyes were so pretty. So pretty that I had to look elsewhere. There's too much tension right now.

I looked at the clock behind him.

00: 24

"Is your clock working ?"


"Oh, then it's midnight. Happy Valentines day ? I don't celebrate Valentine's day. Do you ? I didn't get you anything. I'm sorry... I didn't know if I should."

"Is it too soon ? Does he want a gift ? Does he celebrate ?"

I'm not used to this.

"You're my first boyfriend, actually. And I never celebrated Valentine's day... I guess you wanted a gift..."

This whole day felt like a date.

A date  before Valentine's day is weird. So maybe this isn't a date...

"Will I feel very guilty because you will give me something or will I feel good because you don't celebrate ?"

"Both. I don't celebrate Valentine's day. But I gave you your gift."

"You did ? What ? The date ?"

"No. Not the date."

"Then what ?"

"I won't tell you. You will understand one day."

??? He's so confusing !

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