Chapter 1

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I woke up in the morning and thought about last night's events and I smiled to myself, it was 4am in the morning so I woke my husband up and we went to the gym and started working out. When the clock hit 5:30 we left the gym sweating and got to the master bedroom and went to take a shower together, we usually do that after the gym and he would wash me and I would do the same to him. By the time it was 6 we were already done and I went to the kitchen to make us some smoothies and breakfast, Lizwi came down the stairs looking so handsome and he kissed me on my cheek then said..

Lwizi: morning wifiey

Me: morning hubby (I said with a huge smile on my face)

Liwzi: you look beautiful my wife, as always.. how did you sleep?

Me: thank you baby, I slept well and you?

Lizwi: I would be lying if I said I didn't sleep well (he said while winking at me making me blush)

Me: I was ready to stab you with this knife if you said you didn't sleep well

Lizwi: you and violence, baby you need to tone it down a bit

Me: you married me right, you made your bed now sleep on it

Lizwi: mhm but it's not the only thing I'll sleep on (he said while wiggling his eyebrows at me, I laughed at his dirty mind and hit his arm)

Me: hey stop it

Lizwi: okay baby give me a kiss (he leaned over and gave me one hell of a kiss and I giggled, he chuckled softly and left while drinking his smoothie)

I made two half cooked eggs for him, two scrambled eggs for me, bacon, cheese and sausages then I made cereal for Esihle, I prepared the table and went to wake Esihle up, I washed her face and brushed her teeth then we went downstairs for breakfast as a family. We always do those little things as a family because most of the time we're busy so we spend as much time as we can with Esihle. While we are away she stays with her nanny or goes to her grandparents house. I dished up for Lizwi and then myself. I went to the kitchen, filled a big basin with water and soap and took a cloth and went to my husband and made him wash his hands first before eating and I always kneel infront of him when I do that it's just a sign of respect and he loves it. After that I went to the kitchen and put the basin and cloth back and went to the dinning room and we prayed first and then started digging in.

Esihle: daddy, mommy

Us: yes baby

Esihle: can I please go and visit Gogo (grandma) today?

Lizwi: which gogo baby?

Esihle: dad's mom

Me: okay baby I'll take you there when you finish bathing

Lizwi: I would love to also take you baby but daddy has work to do

Esihle: it's okay daddy

Lizwi: I will fetch you with mommy though

She smiled and clapped her hands in excitement causing us to laugh at her. We finished breakfast and I washed the dishes and the pots I used then started cleaning the house, when I was done I took a looong relaxing bath with Esihle in one bathtub, she was telling me stories about fairies and pixies and how they visit her at night which were pure lies but I let her be. The bath seemed very long with her talking non stop until her father came to get us out of the water. I wore my towel and I put Esihle in hers and we started by her room, when she was dressed she went to sit with her father and watched TV. I went to the master bedroom and inside the wall-in closet, I lotioned my body and then wore a white back cross short dress with my white strappy sandals and a white mini bag, I applied some perfume and a gold bracelet I bought yesterday and I went downstairs to my little family. I found them in the living room and my husband looked at me then took out his phone and started taking photos or a video I don't know. He then stopped and complimented me.

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