Chapter 70

423 33 11

3 months later

Nobuhle's Pov

It's been three months since Lizwi and I separated. I have tried to talk to him several times, but he just won't hear me. I've lost weight and I don't go out anymore. I last saw my friends on New years when we spent it together from there, I just distanced myself. Esihle does come to visit from time to time, but it's not the same anymore. I've been trying to work on myself and my issues with my family. I am now 7 months pregnant and my belly is very big. I spoke to my kids and apologized for everything. Even with Esihle, we did manage to iron things. I've been dragging to go and talk to my mom, I mean, I did forgive her and let everything go, but I was just not ready.

I had asked her if we could meet up and she agreed. I'm getting ready to go and see her. we are meeting at La Parada. I don't want her to come to my house yet, at least not until I know where I stand with her. I wore I green maternity dress with green fluffy flops for comfort. I grabbed my bag and phone and drove to where she was. I'm not even sure what I am going to say to her, but Dlokodloko did tell me that I need to talk to her and also change my surname for my things to be better. I have changed my surname with the help of my father, so now I am Thingolwenkosazana Nobuhle Angel Zulu. I used it as my first name because I wanted my father to be happy since he couldn't name me. He was so happy now that he called me by it all the time, not forgetting MaZulu kaBaba.

Indeed, Lizwi went to pay for his kids and cleansed the house. He also paid for my virginity and everything else that was needed. He apologized to my ancestors for paying for me in the wrong family. My family also went to his to apologize to him for everything that happened. They said Ngonyama blessed it because roars erupted while they were burning the incest. It scared many, but they understood that they were the royal family. They couldn't believe that I was royal it came as a shocker to a lot of people and made some change and wanted to be friends with me. The aunts weren't happy at all, and apparently, Bab'Mbatha told the aunts that their day is coming for trying to kill me. It led to a whole movie that exposed all of their shenanigans they are now in jail. Lizwi's mom tried to get a hold of me after learning the truth about her husband and what they did but I just didn't want to hear it because before knowing the truth she joined the aunts and blamed me for everything saying her son is so distant because of me.

Esihle is now attending school with the rest of our kids, I must say she is really happy she talks about school all the time. Alexander has also adjusted pretty well. Sbani was happy to have him around along with the other kids. My businesses are booming as always, and I also started with offering bursaries. Everything is going well with my businesses. We ended up not going to the trip the guys had planned for us due to known reasons. I'm not sure what's going to happen now, but I'm still working towards getting my family back. I now understand why he acted like that. I really wronged him and made him feel like less of a man. I am ready to start over and do things the right way.

Oh, and we cleared the rumors about Daniel. Everything is now sorted. Lizwi really did kill him and his family, so after that, we just pinned it to them lying and also having enemies that came for him and his family. The scene I made by killing Natalie and Julia sure left a lot of people traumatized. Now I know that Thandeka was sleeping with Khondlo, and she was working with him to kill me, and they got Lizwi using umuthi. I found out that she knew about the rape saga because of that. I also know that Caleb wanted the riches and protection, so he went to them. That's how they got to work with him. I don't even want to get started with Tee and Jerry. They lied and made us believe that we were a family. They had been working under Caleb this whole time. They had been spying on us and taking the information they had gathered to him. When Lizwi caught them, he told us, and to say we were shocked would be an understatement. Lizzy and Zinhle cried because they were closer to Tee. Me? I couldn't even look at them. They also killed my child. I couldn't even stand their sight. Zinhle was devastated they were more like best friends. Zinhle also lost her father due to the cancer he had. She acted strong and went to the funeral, which was a whole disaster.

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