Atlases of the Faith

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When I think of the grief, I think of heroes of the faith of my day and age, I think of men with kind smiles and tired eyes who seem to sag under the weight of the world and of the burden and sorrows life has had to offer them.

I think of atlas groaning under the weight of the world, yet never breaking, not because he couldn't come because a higher force to keep him up. His knees bent, yet he never fell. His shoulders sag, yet the earth never rolls.
Likewise, the great men of my day and age, their eyes carry bags. Their shoulder's hang from weight. Their knees bend and tremble as if they might break. Yet, while mistakes are made, the burdens they carry are rarely dropped and their faith is never deterred for they are held up by a force greater than they.
Sometimos the burdens they carry are greater than they can bear, yet they bear them with strength, determination, and perseverance. For a great power, greater than them, holds them up as they hold up their spheres of the globe



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