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The following morning I wake up earlier than I've never have because I'm nervous about seeing Damien again. I couldn't sleep well. All I could think about was him. He plagues my thoughts and it's scary. I'm a Scorpio and when I'm into something or someone, I'm all in. Damien is making me go deep and I don't think there's anything more dangerous.

Even though my waking hour is early, I take a quick bath and return to the room. I unplug my phone from the charger and connect my airpod to it and scroll through my music list, I click on Machine Gun Kelly and Willow's emo girl and put it in repeat as I go through my closet for the perfect outfit. I sing the lyrics to the song and dance around the room. I have the whole room to myself since Jessica spent the night with Nate, so I'm free to scream the lyrics to emo girl as loud as I can.

I'm nervous and at same time I'm excited because I don't know what he has plans and he didn't give me a clue, so I'm not sure what to wear. It's not like I have much to go through, it's mostly jeans and tops. I dig through the mini closet and after nine repeats of emo girl, I finally pick something.

I tuck in my red camo tee inside the white olive side stripe jogger trouser. I sit on my bed after sliding my feet inside the high heel lace-up ankle boots.

Standing up from the bed, grabbing my hair brush from my nightstand. I walk to the mirror to check my appearance. This is a first for me, dressing up for someone. I just hope said person notices it. Sighing, I brush my hair and take my time since I still have like an hour before I meet him.

A knock on the door shifts my focus from staring at myself in the mirror. I frown. Who can that be? Jessica has a key and it's too early for anyone to be awake right now giving the party they had last night.

I toss the hairbrush on my bed on my way to get the door. I unlock and open the door. "Good morning." I greet the two lovebirds standing in front of me, looking well actually. "You could have used your key." I say to Jessica.

They should be having the biggest hangover but they look completely fine like they didn't drain the tall pole from yesterday, which I found out was filled with alcohol. Yeah, some students did it. He won't admit it but I know Nate had something to do with it because he encouraged everyone to drink through the tap after he and Jessica got the first taste.

"You're looking well." I comment, staring at them. The both look freshly showered and dressed like they're going somewhere.

"Yeah, we could the same about you." Nate counters.

I roll my eyes. "You were vomiting all over each other last night, what happened? How did you get so clean and hangover free?"

Jessica's cheeks get red as she hides her face in embarrassment while Nate steps closer, owning his. "There's nothing magic can't fix and we didn't vomit all over each other."

"Huh uh... Keep telling yourself that, Nate." I emphasis his Nate.

He sighs and raise one finger up. "Once. I vomited once."

My lips parts to remind him about the three times I saw him vomit but the sound of my alarm blaring stops me. I hold my finger up, mimicking Nate and says, "to be continued."

I walk to my bed and pick up my phone, turning off the twenty minutes warning alarm I set. I stuff my phone into my pocket, knowing it's time to go. It's better to get there before time than be late. I only have one problem, what am I going to tell Nate and Jessica?

Sighing, I head over to them, a fake smile plastered all over my face. "Hey guys," I begin like this is my first time seeing them this morning. "How are you doing this morning? Last night event didn't overwhelm you, right? Because it did me, so I'm going to go stretch my legs at the lake. See you guys later."

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