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The only thing I can find on the internet about dream collector is a 1972 novel with same name by some photographer and it's not the same as what I'm looking for.

Immediately I woke up to the real world I knew I have to tell someone. This isn't something I can't deal with on my own, it's getting too much and I can't do this alone anymore. First it's Arihmatheo taking me into his mind and now it's the sisters of the dark messing with my mind. It's not that strong and if they should continue to mess with it like that I'm going to lose more than my mind and it's just been a month.

I tap my feet on the floor as I wait impatiently for the Headmaster to roundup whatever it is he's doing. I'm a bit curious about him, the sisters of the dark knows who he is, they know who his son is. He was able to banish them to wherever they came from without so much as blinking and somehow he's always sitting behind his desk, looking vulnerable. Arihmatheo knows him too. I look at him and I see someone with secrets, big secrets.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, you can come now." He closes his laptop and waves his hand in a 'come here' gesture.

I stand up from the accented chair and approach him. Pulling the chair opposite him to sit. I drop my hands on my lap and look at him.

"Are you okay? You're looking tired. I knew what happened yesterday must come as a shock but I want you to know that–" I interrupt him because I'm not here to talk about my parents. I already know where they are and I'm going to go find them.

"What do you know about dream collector?"

His eyes widens in surprise, obviously not expecting that question. "What?"

I don't have time to play the guessing game with him today, so I go straight to the point.

"And the sisters of the dark? Do they have the power to manipulate people's mind?"

I'm not sure he knows he's doing it but he's blinking his eyes frantically before sighing. "They took something from you." He confirms my worst fear. "What do remember before going to sleep?"

Now I know the dream collector or whoever he is wasn't lying. Those bitches really took something from me. The big question is what did they take? Why me? What did they want from me?

"Well I showered and went to sleep immediately." I answer.

He hums as he takes in my answer. "When they appeared around you, what did they say? Did they surround you?"

"Yes. And they said they were ordered to kill me but they didn't. They hurt Nate, Jessica and Roman but they didn't hurt me." And now that's I'm just thinking about it, they said they wanted to destroy me but they didn't touch me unless destroying me means getting something from me.

"Then they stole from you. Any guesses?"

The dream collector said they messed with my mind to get something from it.

"My memories." I mean, I don't appear to be missing anything but I'm sure it's my memories except I don't know what memory they took.

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "Yeah, the dream collector said they came for my memories." I reply.

"Go get some rest." He says.

I'm taken aback by that order. "Wait.. that's it? You're dismissing me."

I can't believe this. I can't believe him, after everything I just said.


I place my hand on the arms of the chair and lean forward as I say, "You can't–"

"I can and I will, infact I just did. Go to your room, Cami. I will have Penelope cast a protection spell around you. We're not sure if they got everything they want."

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