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"You are sure of this information, Damian?" The Headmaster asks for the umpteenth time since we've arrived, having skipped the pleasantries and gone straight into business. It's not like the headmaster doesn't trust Damian on his intel, he just wants to be sure before we do anything rash.

Damian nods his head, not looking away from the map of the country spread out on the coffee table in the headmaster's office. The three of us with Jessica and Nate are inside his office. He originally didn't want them involved but Jessica wouldn't leave my side and Nate isn't going anywhere without Jessica.

"Should I start plotting my revenge?" I joke. I know it's not really a good time to joke but I need to ease the tension in the room. I think what I really need is nepenthes to make me forget everything.

Damian has already confirmed that my parents are indeed alive and they are in The Holmes Compound with George. It's kind of a relief to know they're still alive and the anger I felt when George told me they're alive, and to think they didn't look for me neutralized. If they are with George, it means they're his prisoner. Right now I just want to really understand what happened those years ago. I need to know what George did to them.

We don't know where the Holmes Compound is but we know that's where they are, well, Damian is sure that's where they are. We've tried locating them using a common location spell but we couldn't find them. I didn't tell them about what happened the first and last time Nate tried to help me find them using my blood. We shared a look when the suggestions came up. I think Nate has always known that they're in trouble. The energy blast was evidence enough.

I know the Headmaster wouldn't allow dark magic but if there's a way to find them, then we have to do. Bringing up the suggestions and asking the permission is one of the most reckless things I've ever done in my life and somehow he allows it. I guess he is as desperate as me. I mean, the guy is the all seer of his planet and yet he can't find his prince.

I move away from them to breath. These past weeks has been the most stressful of my entire life and what I'm about to do next would be much more worse. If we're able to pinpoint the exact location my parents are, I will go after them. I don't care that I'm not powerful enough to face The High Lord and his followers. I don't care that the only powers I have are useless and defenseless against coven of dark witches and wizard. I just want to get them back and revisit the thought of finding peace.

I don't turn back as footsteps approaches me, I know it's the headmaster. He comes to stand in front of me and places his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry," He whispers.

I frown. "For what?" I dare ask him. "It's not like any of this is your fault." He already blames himself enough, he doesn't need that shit from me because in the end it doesn't matter who fault it was.

"It is my fault, I should have protected him, it was my job," he replies. Heard that one before, it's done and over with.

"We can't change the past but there's so much we can do for the future. Thanks for saying yes to black magic, I wouldn't have ask if it wasn't important."

"Just this once," he says and sighs before adding, "I'm sorry for everything. You're sixteen, you should be enjoying your life, not solving mysteries about yourself. I take full responsibility and I'm sorry."

"Like I said, it's not your fault. I'll go see where they are with the search." I tell him.

He sighs and takes his hand away from my shoulder and nod, silently giving me his 'I don't like this plan' look. I smile and return with a 'we don't have any choice' look.

I go to stand beside Damian. Jessica and Nate are standing opposite us with encouraging smile plastered on their faces.

How do I know this wouldn't give the same reaction it did the last I did it? I know this magic is darker than the one Nate did, so I'll be holding my breath until it works.

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