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"Arihmatheo!" The sound of the cane fills my ear before the familiar voice of the high lord George Holmes. I watch him approach with his professor Holmes from the corner of my eyes. "That is no way to treat my granddaughter," he says like he actually cares but I know better.

His granddaughter?

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you high lord," I scoff and straighten my back to get somehow comfortable against the wall. "I have a question though," I say while keeping my eyes on my Arihmatheo, he's standing with three of his men behind George, recognizing the men from when they came to The Vale.

The sound of the leather glove moving against the cane turns my attention back to him. "You know you don't have to ask, granddaughter."

What's up with the granddaughter business?

"Don't call me granddaughter and I have more than one question." The last time that I was in this similar position, I asked him some questions that I didn't expect him to answer and he did truthfully.

"I admit that calling you granddaughter is born of hypocrisy because I don't see you as one. You don't want me to call you granddaughter, then I won't." He continues. "You want to ask me something, well go ahead I don't have all day."

Hmm... Wow, I didn't know George is so honest.

I purse my lips as I try to compose the question in my head. The questions I want to ask is obvious that I already the answers to, I just want him to admit it. "Why? Why do you hate my father so much? Why did you keep me away from my parents? You ruined my life. You've controlled every single part of it all because you hate my father. I want to know why."

He keeps his eyes on me for a while, studying me. "You remind me of my daughter, Sabine. She was the only thing pure and good in my life. When I ascended the throne and became High Lord people looked up to me, not because I'm a good person or good leader. They fear me and I love how people quiver at the sound of my name. I'm not a good person and I've never claimed otherwise but Sabine, she was the only person in my life I never tainted." He takes steps forward and adds. "You see, when your mother was born I was happy, I've never felt so much joy and the first day she used magic and we realized she was Scorpio, I became even more proud."

I watch professor Holmes reaction as his father says good things about his sister like he doesn't even exist. He clenches his jaw and tighten his fist. I know his father's words are getting to him.

"She was my little girl. She did everything I asked until she bumped into Eric. Your father is a demon and I know he did something to my daughter. Eric is a Dihipian. Not everyone knows much about your home realm but I know about your grandmother, destroyer of worlds they call her. She wields the sword of death and you expected me to allow my daughter to live happily ever after with the spawn of the devil. No."

He walks forward and stops in front of me, his eyes is full of hate and disdain. He brings his hand up to my cheek and asks, "do you know who I hate more than your father, Camille?" I don't answer, making him tighten his grip on my jaw. "Answer me when I talk to you, girl! Do you know who I hate more than your father?" He demands and I shake my head. "You. I hate your father with all my will but what I feel for you is deeper than that. Your father took my little girl from and you took what's left of her sanity. You should never have been born. You are an abomination. I should have sacrificed you to the gods when I had the chance." He releases my jaw, pushing my head back in the process.

"You could have killed me anytime you wanted. You've always knew where I was. You had every chance to do so, why didn't you?"

"Because I knew Arihmatheo has a soft spot for you and I know he wouldn't cooperation if you're dead," he smirks, before turning to look at Arihmatheo, "isn't that right, Marco?"

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