7 - Was?

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Mac and I hung out all weekend. We didn't leave the house once.

I still can't get her to talk about her family at all but she agreed to sit with me at lunch today.

I'm waiting for her to get out of her science class right now.

Yes, I left early from my Art class to wait next to her class.

"What are you doing out here Nat?" London came up to me. I haven't seen her since Friday because Mackenzie and I got to school late.

"Waiting for the damn bell to ring."

She looked at me, "What'd you do this weekend?"

"Stayed home. Mostly just played The Last Of Us."

"With Mackenzie?"

I nodded.

Her smile grew.

We're on our third week of school. It's August 31st right now. We have a four day weekend this week.

"Why are you smiling?"

She leaned on the wall next to me, "No reason."

"No tell me."

"Just you and Mackenzie getting along." She nudged me with her elbow, "Happy for you."

"Don't start."

"I think you like her."

"I don't like her like that."

"Denial is a river in Egypt my friend." London walked down the hallway shaking her head.

"I don't!" I looked at the floor. I don't.

The bell rang and I watched as Mackenzie came out of the classroom.

I put my hands on her shoulders after she walked past me.

She was staring at the sculpture I assume is hers. She's so cute.

Like cute like I would say about any of my friends. No other reason.

"You scared me." She looked at me, "I figured you would meet me in the courtyard?"

"I wanted to walk with you." I realized that sounded stupid. It's not that's it's a lie though. I like being around her.

"Well good because I like walking with you."

My heart did a cartwheel.


"Hey there you are." Brooks put his arm around my shoulder, "Where were you this weekend? You're not one to skip a party just because of a little headache."

Mackenzie stared at him.

I shrugged his shoulder off, "I was hanging out with Mac. Jeez can everyone get off my dick about it?"

"Sorry." He looked at the ground as we walked up the stairs, "Henry's arm is in a cast still. Riley is like mega pissed about it."

"Riley seems nice." Mackenzie tucked her hair behind her ear.

Brooks head shot in her direction, "She's nice because she doesn't know you're friends with us and you're new."

I smiled at what Brooks said. Not that it's a good thing Riley is only nice because Mac is new and she doesn't know anything about her. But it's good that Brooks said she was our friend.

She thinks the same thing I do because she's smiling a little too big right now.

We walked into the cafeteria still talking about Riley and her little group of minions.

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