8 - No.

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"Riley did that to your eye?" Jackson set his tray on the table and sat next to London.

It's Thursday now. Mackenzie and I didn't go to school yesterday. Mom was okay with that after I explained what happened.

The video Harriet took is going around everywhere.

I'm surprised I'm not in any sort of trouble.

Riley is probably too scared to get me in trouble.

I haven't hit anyone since middle school.

I don't even know why I did it.

"What?" I looked up at him, realizing I was lost in thought.

"When she hit you?" He pointed to my left eye.

"Yeah, she sucker punched me." I nodded and ate a french fry.

"Oh we all saw the video." Cass looked at me with a smirk on her face, "You haven't hit anyone in years?" She glanced at Mackenzie who was trying to ignore the memory by scrolling through Instagram, "You sure there isn't a particular reason you hit her?"

"She was being a bitch." I glared at Cass.

"Sure." She nodded and took a drink of her diet coke. Which is the most disgustiong drink on the fucking planet.

The bell rang.

"God I actually fucking hate school." I grabbed my backpack and waited for Mac to gather her things.

"It's the 3rd week." Brooks put his hand on my shoulder, "Only 24 more to go."

"How many days is that?" London smiled.

"Approximately 182 days left." Kay looked at us.

"You're counting weekends too." Brooks looked at her.

"I'm not doing all that math."

I shook my head, "You guys are torturing me."

"Hey it's Senior year baby." Cass looked at me, "You're gonna miss this soon."

"I know." I looked at Mackenzie who was just staring at me. She hasn't really been talking around them anymore. I don't get why.

She stood up and put her backpack on and started walking away.

"See you guys later," I walked next to Mac.

"You do not have to walk with me."

"We've been over this," I looked at her, "I want to."

She smiled and looked at the ground, "You dad is coming back today."

She and my dad are closer than I assumed. They've met a few times when dad flew to La. I guess that's why she talks more to him than anyone else. Besides me of course.

"I am very excited." We walked up the stairs and I opened the door for her, "My mom always makes this weird stew when he gets back. If you don't like it I'll just Doordash something else."

She laughed a little, "I love stew."

I elbowed her playfully, "You don't have to say that around me."

My fingertips grazed hers as we walked to her classroom. It sent a shock through my hand.

I don't know why.

"You have off season training this weekend? Right?"

I looked at her, "How did you know that?"

She smiled, "London told me."

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