14 - Daydreaming

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Mac and I have slept in the same bed since last weekend. I don't hate it. I actually like it more than I should. Even though I know it's platonic. I like waking up in her arms.

"Good morning." Her voice had a little extra rasp to it this morning, the slight light from my window pouring into the room, over her face. Making her hair look brighter than usual.


I've known her for what? Three months next week. Not that I'm keeping track or anything.

That is not the point.

I like her. More than I think I've liked anyone. In a way that I don't know how to explain. I just know that this right here, being in her arms, feels really fucking good.

"Morning." I nodded, forcing myself to look away as she moved herself to lean on her elbow, looking over me, blonde hair falling into my face slightly.

That's when it hit me. This little fairytale we've lived away from my friends, school, parties, is over today. Back to school. Jackson and Alex are back in town. Riley is out to get me. Thomas still likes me. Marcus is sitting with us at lunch. I have to go to school and pretend like my home life isn't falling apart.

"What's on your mind pretty girl?" Mac brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

Friends call other friends pretty girl. I mean, Cass, London, and I call each other babe. So this is normal too. Right?

I snapped out of the daze, "What is not on my mind?"

She shook her head, seemingly getting closer than before. She put her index finger against my chest, "You need a good distraction hmm?"

I closed my legs together, tighter than they were before. "I need to get ready for school."

"It's 6:30. We have time to get ready before we leave."

"I'm driving my car today." I looked at her again, her face definitely closer than before. "I have to help set up for tryouts and I'll definitely have homework."

She nodded, "I'll have homework too." She leaned back, running her hands through her beautiful blonde hair.

I missed the proximity of our faces, "Do you want me to drive you? I mean you have a student council thing after school? Tryouts would be done right about then? We can grab something to eat after that? And we have the same classes really so we could probably help each other with homework."

"How'd you know about me doing student council?" She eyed me as she threw her hair into a messy braid.

My cheeks flamed realizing we never actually talked about it, "London saw your name on the list. VP."

She smiled at me before standing up out of my bed, "I was president at my old school but seeing as I haven't been here long enough, no way in hell I'd make it again."

I stared at her. Of course she was President. She was so popular there. It confuses me that she doesn't talk about all her friends from Cali. Or even Canada

"What?" She slid her feet into the bright pink unicorn slippers my dad bought her on Wednesday. He said he saw them at the zoo and just had to pick them up. We have matching ones. Mine are purple because that's my favorite color.

"I just forgot how popular you are."

She raised her eyebrows, "It wasn't about my popularity."

"No it definitely was." I stood up as well, walking over to my dresser before turning back to her, "Those things are just a popularity contest."

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