19 - She's Mackenzie

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The alarm blaring next to me is what woke me up.

Then someone else turned it off. "Are you awake?" A soft hand brushed my hair out of my face.

I turned to her, "Good morning."

"Good morning." She smiled at me.

She's so perfect. Beyond perfect. I don't understand how someone can be this beautiful without even trying.

She just woke up. But her blonde hair isn't tangled. Her skin is clear. Her teeth are so white.

"You're staring at me." She raised her eyebrows.

I shook my head, slowly leaning in to kiss her.

"Woah, that's gay." She smiled, gently putting her hand on my cheek, letting me kiss her.

It was slow.

This weekend made me realize my new addiction: Kissing Mackenzie Valentine.

"Natalie! Mackenzie! Wake up! Can't be late to school!" Teddy's voice carried down the stairs, "I'm leaving!"

The basement door closed.

"We should probably get up and get dressed." Her hand remained on my cheek.

I nodded, "Probably should." I couldn't help the smile that began to overtake my face. I feel so giddy when I'm around her. Like I'm a little kid and Mackenzie is my Christmas.

She stood up, "Ooh can I wear this?" She held up a swim hoodie from a few years ago. When I still actually swam. On a team. It has my name on it.

"Yeah I don't care." I sat up in the bed, resting against the headboard.

"Dude. Get out of bed."

I groaned loudly before finally rising to my feet.

"Be ready to go in like 15 minutes okay?'

I glared at her as she left the room.

So bossy.

31 minutes later, we pulled into a parking spot outside of Zoe's.

"What are we doing here?" I looked at her, not unbuckling my seatbelt yet.

She shrugged, "We were already late to school. Figured we could grab some breakfast first." She opened her door, "Come on."

I followed her into the cafe. I love this place so much. I think it's so well decorated. I know I've already stressed that thought but I can't help but admire it anyway.

"Hi, could I get two large iced mocha lattes? Extra shot of espresso in each. No whipped cream or crumble." Mackenzie pulled out her card.

I simply just watched her in awe.

She remembered my coffee order.

I guess it can't have been that hard since it is the same.


"Is the name gonna be Batman again?" The redheaded woman smiled at Mac.

"You already know it."

She smiled, "Total is $12.34." Mackenzie handed the woman her card, "Have a wonderful day you two." She glanced at me, keeping that same friendly smile.

"You too Allie." Mackenzie slid her wallet into her back pocket and grabbed my hand.

The action made me jump. I suppose I can't be surprised. I mean we kissed last night.

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