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"I'm really really really sorry. I didn't know this would happen..." I rambled on, quite literally on the verge of tears, until Taylor cut me off with her hands on my shoulders.

"No, no darling you don't need to apologize it was an accident. It was bound to happen at some point." She said, trying to calm me down.

Getting into the front seat was a mistake. Turns out someone saw, and snapped plenty of pictures of me and Taylor conversing and hugging through the car windows.

"Everything is gonna be fine, my managers and I will take care of it. It's not all that horrible."

I realized Taylor was right. It wasn't like I could hide forever, it was a miracle that we hadn't been noticed in public before anyway.

I was still in my pajamas, and had school in two hours, so I got ready, trying to not worry about the situation.

Before school, Taylor gave me a talk about being in the public eye and how it can be overwhelming at times, and how you have to pay close attention to the choices you make and stuff like that.

It was worse than I thought, as soon as I stepped out of the car, I could feel eyes on me. I felt relieved when one of my friends, Xochitl, ran up to me. Natalie introduced me to Xo, and she has to be one of the kindest and prettiest people I've ever met. She could tell I was a bit worried.

"Hey, don't worry, stuff like this only lasts like a day in this school, the shock will blow over, and everyone will forget about by the end of the week. Millie Bobby Brown went here, and it only took a few days for everything to die down."

"No way!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not even kidding. Last year was her senior year. You have nothing to worry about."

Xochitl's words made me feel better, and I got through my classes without many distractions, but apparently, my lunchtime is the dedicated Q&A hour.

"Is Taylor Swift really your mom?"

"Are you her secret child?"

"Where does she live?"

The questions were ridiculous, and I was struggling to eat my chicken salad in peace. So, I gave a vague, simplified version of everything. Taylor told me what's best to say and what isn't, and I made sure to not reveal too much, knowing someone would record and it would most definitely end up on social media.

"She's been my foster mom for almost two months, and she says she doesn't plan on getting rid of me any time soon."

School was pretty normal after lunch, but after I said goodbye to my friends, there were plenty of kids waiting outside wondering if they could see Taylor through the car windows again, but they all lost interest once they realized she wasn't there.

"How was school?"

"It was fine." I started, sitting across from her at the kitchen island.

"Some people just asked questions and they were all like 'is Taylor your mom' and I was like 'yeah but not biologically obviously' and that's pretty much all I said."

"I'm your mom huh?" She asked, catching me off guard.

"What- I mean- only if you consider yourself that but, I wouldn't mind it..." I muttered.

I watched as Taylor's mouth slowly formed a big bright smile. She ran up and gave me the most lung crushing hug I had ever received.

"You're gonna squeeze me to death." I laughed.

Taylor released me, still smiling like an idiot.

"Just so you know, you don't have to like, call me mom, you can call me whatever you want, or like switch between different ones. Mom, Taylor, TS, Tay Tay, T Swizzle, T Swift- anything."

I had on an impish grin while listening to Taylor's rambling.

"Got it mom."

She let out a breath of relief, and gave me a real, sincere, loving smile.

You're On Your Own, Kid | A Taylor Swift Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now