The Disaster (Part Two)

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"Honey why are you calling so late are you okay?" I heard Taylor's tired voice on the other line.

"I just need to be picked up right now." I sniffled.

"I- okay but what's wrong? Are you not at Sophie's?"

"I'm sorry mom I'm really sorry." I began to sob.

"Darling please just tell me where you are so I can come get you."

I read out the address through more sobs and apologies.

"I'm drunk. I'm stupid and I got fucking drunk. And then someone gave me a pot brownie, and a stupid boy tried to sleep with me I just wanna go home."

"I'm going to be there and we can talk about it in just a few minutes ok?"

I could barley speak at this point. I was hyperventilating and the world was spinning. Nothing felt euphoric anymore. It felt as if all my problems had come back to haunt me and I had literally everything to worry about. Taylor stayed on the phone, doing her best to calm me down until the Tesla pulled up.

I practically ran towards the car, almost tripping in my high heels, and the sight of Taylor just made me cry harder. I couldn't believe what I had done, and how much I had to have disappointed her. Taylor saw this, and didn't bother reprimanding me or giving a lecture, but instead gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Taylor I punched the guy. I think I broke his nose."

"I would have punched him harder." She muttered.

Taylor held my hand the entire car ride. She sighed as we walked through the door.

"Let's sit down."

She was so calm. That scared me. Which made me cry again.

"I'm so stupid, I'm so fucking stupid!"

"You're not stupid darling just tell me what happened." Taylor said, wiping my tears with her thumbs.

"We snuck out to go to a party. Stupid fucking Hugo's party. I only went because Natalie was going. I thought it was going to be fun, but then we played spin the bottle and I took a shot of whatever Everclear is and then I had two more shots of some random shit."

I was crying so hard my head hurt.

"And it's all my fault that Hugo's dumbass tried to sleep with me. And he grabbed me where I didn't want him to, but I was so drunk and high on that fucking brownie that I couldn't do anything, I only punched him in the face and ran away and called you."

"Darling for the love of god please breathe. Look at me and take some deep breaths."

I tried to take the breaths, but they were shaky and weren't coming out correctly.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry mom I'm sorry! You're mad at me!"

"Y/n please. You're ok I promise. I promise you."

Once I saw the tears threatening to fall out of her eyes, I somehow found my sanity. Taylor brought me a glass of water and a bottle of Gatorade.

"It's not your fault. You shouldn't have gone to the party or drunk anything but by no means is anything anyone did to you your fault."

I stayed silent for a while, then spoke.

"Is Joe awake?"

"Yeah, he didn't know if you wanted him here."

"Of course I want him here." I laughed.

"That's what I told him. We can go upstairs and find him." Taylor said.

I nodded, and we tip toed into her bedroom, where Joe looked like he was waiting. I ran up and hugged him, trying not to cry again.

We all sat on the bed in silence, until I spoke.

" long am I grounded for?"

"A month." Taylor said.

"Two weeks." Joe said.

They both looked at me.

"What? Am I supposed to choose?"

"Ok fine, three weeks. No going out. Except for school and to go to set."

"Set? Why would I-"

Taylor and Joe once again looked at each other, and then back at me, smirking.

"No!" I said.

Taylor only nodded, and I squealed, and Joe squealed with me, as if he were the teenage girl with her first professional acting role.

"You're still grounded." Taylor said.

"Yeah I know."

You're On Your Own, Kid | A Taylor Swift Fanfiction Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ