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Zack sat down in between Jace and Ki, two of his close friends, at the table they always sit at. They were surrounded by a good portion of the football team, all with trays in front of them and chattering happily. Quite a few cheerleaders and other girls came and sat with them as well.

Zack looked around at his friend group. He'd realized a while ago that the particular group he is in was considered the popular group. In any cliche high school movie they'd all be gossip loving assholes that don't care about anyone other than themselves.

In a way that stereotype is half true. They do love themselves and discussing gossip. However, Zack isn't sure if he'd call them assholes. Some of them are super nice and cool. Others not so much.

Mason walked behind Zack to make it to an empty seat and he clapped the boy on the back of the neck as he passed. It was friendly and so normal that no one batted an eye at the motion. Zack grinned at the boy before refocusing on the chatty dark haired girl in front of him that was desperately trying to get his and Jace's attention.

Her name was Trinity and she was nice. An airhead though. All she was interested in was drama and boys, both those things were kind of boring to Zack. She was currently talking about a trip her and Tayler, another football player, had taken to the mall. It was clear as day she was trying to make the boys jealous because as she talked about how sweet he was to her she desperately searched their faces for any change in expression. She wouldn't get one though because Zack didn't care for her and Jace had already went out with her last year, took her to their sophomore homecoming and apparently regretted it deeply.

Zack's eyes trailed to behind her. Looking over her shoulder he could see Jess Roma walking away from the lunch line with some girl named Alice or something chatting expressively next to him.

Alice was another oddball, she was only a grade under them and was friends with the 5'2 freshman boy. She was a quieter kid but every time you saw her with Ray, Zack had learned that was the freshman boy's name, she'd talk animatedly and her face would light up. It appeared to be the same with Jess as he walked next to her. She was carrying a tray of food, he wasn't.

From the few (many) times Zack has noticed Jess in the cafeteria he's never seen him eat. It's not a huge surprise though, the cafeteria food does suck. And there are some times when Jess can't be found around the cafeteria, not that Zack openly looks for him or anything, but he doesn't see him when he does very normal scans over the building. So, maybe on those days Jess goes out somewhere to eat. You're not supposed to leave school campus for lunch unless you're a senior but that doesn't really stop some juniors who sneak away, most of the teachers don't notice or don't care.

Jess didn't say anything from what Zack could see. He just walked next to her with a small smile and nodded along as she talked to confirm he was listening. He'd say a short word here or there, probably mumbling a yeah or saying he understood whatever it was she was saying. They made their way over to Ray and sat down with him, he smiled widely in a greeting to them.

Ray joined in on the conversation. Him and Alice kept talking about whatever while Jess sat between them and looked to be paying attention intently. He spoke a little more now that they were seated but seemed to be just as quiet as ever.

It was now that Zack was pulled out of his zoning out phase because Trinity was glaring at him and had snapped, "Are you even listening to me?"

"Uhhhh..." Zack chuckled kindly, his usual friendly smile on his face as he tried to make his voice sound apologetic. "Sorry, what?"

Trinity made a noise that was a mix between a sigh and a grumble before rolling her eyes. She stood up, taking her tray that she had only eaten a few things off of, and walked away toward the trash cans. Zack chuckled lightly, sorry he had embarrassed her but not sorry he wasn't listening. Jace and Andrew, who was sitting on Jace's other side at the end of the rectangular table, cackled.

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