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A person who sees the gloomy sides of things.

Jess laughed to himself quietly. He'd seen Isaac's Instagram on his recommended and decided to follow him. About 30 minutes later he got sent a reel video from the boy, which he was not expecting. It was some stupid, funny, animal video and he found himself chuckling a little bit.

He didn't think Isaac would actually talk to him and in a way he wasn't but he was sending him videos. That was something right? Could that be counted as talking? Jess didn't know.

Then again maybe Isaac didn't know either. He had admitted today that he wasn't as good at social interactions as he seemed. Was this his way of interacting with Jess outside of school?

Or wait. Jess needed to stop think about this. He was probably reading far too into it. It probably didn't have any secret meaning behind it. Friends sent funny videos to each other. That was normal.

Wait, friends? Well, he did call himself Isaac's friend in the hallway after turning in that paper for History. So were they friends now?

He thought about school that day. Remembering lunch with Isaac in the library. Yeah, he had come to consider Isaac a friend today. That was something he never thought he'd do.

The boy was nice and easygoing. He was still a mystery and Jess wanted to figure more about him out but he also seemed like a pretty good guy. Jess wouldn't mind spending more time with him.

'You're staring. Am I that pretty?'

'You could be. If you smiled more..." 

Jess felt himself blush. Isaac was serious when he said that. He told Jess that he could be pretty if he smiled more. Does he really think I have a pretty smile?

Jess shook his head. No. I've got to stop this. He wouldn't have meant it like that. He isn't like that.

'Admiring my beauty again?'


He tried to make it sound like a joke, that much was obvious and it did sound like one. Jess really did think he was just joking. But his expression made the boy doubt. He looked serious, his eyes held something that made it seem more genuine.

But Jess didn't want to think about that. Isaac couldn't be like that. He was friends with them.

'That's disgusting!'

The sudden reminder made Jess's face go cold. Isaac was close friends with Ki, and Ki was homophobic. Part of him didn't want to make that connection because it just didn't make sense. Isaac really didn't seem like the type of person that would be like that, but usually you could read a person by the company they keep.

So... that would mean Isaac could be homophobic.

The memory came back of in the library. Isaac admitting to admiring him in a joke that didn't seem like one. The intense look his eyes held.

You make no sense to me Isaac Johnson.

He clicked on the reel button of Instagram to distract himself. He surprised himself when he ended up sending a video back to Isaac. The boy reacted to it with a laughing emoji and Jess smiled.

He decided not to overthink anything. He had a friend in Isaac now so he shouldn't try to turn it into something else. He was just gonna focus on having a new friend for now.

Two hours passed by of Jess chilling on his bed. He watched TV or played on his phone for the time. It was getting increasingly late and he knew he needed to go to sleep some time. He looked over at the time. 11:48, not terrible but he should go to sleep.

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