Chapter 1

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Everything seemed normal, but it couldn't be. That would make it too easy. Being a rogue is never easy. I glance back at my little sister, Kaia wandering behind, her long brown hair laying around her shoulders, draping down her back, almost reaching her waist. Her hazel eyes scanning the area watching for danger. Behind her, following along in pairs are the four other boys. Michael, he has soft dark brown eyes and has short ruffled medium brown hair. Kyle, who has gentle sky-blue eyes and short wavy golden blonde hair. Then there is James, with his fierce chestnut brown eyes, messy light brown hair and frowning face. Lastly Match, he has dangerous yellowy-green eyes which flash from person to person, watching and waiting. I turn back to face the front to see my twin brother, Rowan. He's kind of like our leader, he never fails to ensure we have fresh water, a place to stay or food. We all play a part in this group; he just took most of the responsibility. We all help in hunts and some other jobs. Personally, I manage most of our safety, especially when it comes to travelling, I plan the routes and make sure we stay as far away from civilisation as possible.

We trek through the forest surrounded by nothing but nature, no sound but the distant singing of the birds, only our groups familiar scents mixed with nature. We're alone. So, we're safe. Currently we're steadily traveling towards the house, I was born in, the house I found my parents dead in and the house I tried to leave my problems in. We are only staying in it for a few days but the ideas of going to the place where all my problems began send unpleasant shivers down my spine and into my soul, reawakening memories I never wanted to see. But the worst memories are always remembered the most, they stalk silently behind and jump out at any chance you give them.

Then my life starts to spiral out of control - again. Just part of the cost for returning to such a horrible place. What less could you expect? Snapping of twigs and light footsteps ring in my ears. While I inhale a sweet addicting smell again, a smell I though no longer existed. Mate. I hear my wolf shout at me. My stomach twists and turns at the thoughts of our first meeting 5 years ago crashes in. I remember it perfectly I was 16 and I didn't know how much worse my life was about to get...

We were wandering through the forest, when an intoxicating smell hit me, I felt weak in the knees, but I forced myself to stand. It took less than a second before me and my wolf ran towards it desperate to see who they were - despite knowing the consequences. It was the worst decision ever to be made. I darted into a clearing and on the other side there he was, a mysterious figure. My mysterious figure. I let out a sigh and inhaled his incredible scent again, I allowed a smile to break through as I bit my lip nervously. It terrified me to meet my mate, that was before, when the worst I could think of was being rejected, but I should have feared far worse. I stood there expecting a warm welcome and to be able to run into his arms. To rest my head on his chest and listen to his heart. What happened was nothing like that.

Instead, he attacked, no pity or sorrow in his eyes. Not even a speck of guilt. I felt the sparks as he attempted to steel  my life. Seconds past like hours, they dragged on and on as the truth hit me. In that moment I knew two things. I would be alone and only one of us was going to make it. It was him or me. And I could tell you one thing, it wasn't going to be me. That's when I fought back, attacking him with more force than he expected. Dogging his blows and retuning them, only I didn't miss.

I remember everything as I turned around to find Kaia panicking and Rowan giving me a sorrowful look. We never had to say anything, we all just knew. They knew he was my mate, they knew it was me or him. They both knew I felt lost and couldn't be found. I'd just have to wait. Everything became worse as when it really hit me, I was destined to be alone, forever. I'd never have anyone to share my darkest family secret that we had royal blood. The secret that only me and Rowan knew, not even Kaia, we felt she wasn't ready. None of that mattered as I stared at his body, his heavy breaths irregular and infrequent. Yet as I watched it I couldn't bring myself to try to save him. I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I was falling further into some abyss, with no chance of a being thrown a rope to help me climb out.

When the rest of the group arrived, they all knew too. But they all knew more than me, he wasn't just any man, he was a rogue too, one of the strongest ones. That was the most I could learn about him. Not even his real name, only that he was wanted, just like me. Maybe in another world...

I didn't get any time to daydream about some perfect land far far away. Reality quickly came crashing down. A confused, worried Kaia stood in front of me, surrounded by concerned faces. I dealt with the first problem and told Kaia that everything was fine, that it wasn't meant to be. Despite my efforts to convince her mates almost always love each other, I couldn't she wouldn't listen to whatever I explained. Nothing I said helped, instead she decided she didn't like the idea of having and mate and didn't want one. She claimed they always hurt you and it's simply not worth it. Therefore she won't have one. Oh how naïve. 

Now wasn't the time to argue back. As the reason why everyone looked worried hit me. I took him down. I took down a strong rogue. That meant one thing, we had to leave quickly, we had risked attracting attention. Something that would cost us gravely. When Rowan guided me away from the scene, I didn't look back at all, not with remorse or guilt. In fact, I didn't look back at all. I just wandered away feeling lost and empty. Knowing I had lost something I never even got to gain. That hurt. I got nothing. No open arms, no safety, no comfort. Unless you consider attempted murder as comfort.

Now five years later I can't believe I am smelling that same scent. Impossible. Yet happening.

"Xya?" Rowan calls. He smells it too. My mind races and my thoughts sprint around barging and tripping over each other trying to make a plan. Only one thought comes to mind. I'll deal with this issue... again.

"I got this" I inform him, "Take them and go, I'll take care of him" he nods in understanding. When it came to this it was completely my decision and whatever it was he would respect that. Kaia on the other hand was not so accepting.

"Nu uh, oh no way, not happening" she crosses her arms. I pull her into a quick embrace. My past with my mate absolutely terrified her of mate. She now hates them and never wants one. She doesn't understand this like many things. That's why we never told her about our bloodline and heritage. If we did, she would see the entire world as a threat.

"I'll be fine" I whisper before letting her go. I give Rowan one last nod I watch as he drags Kaia away, the rest of our group following him to safety. I turn to face the direction of the scent. This was happening.

It was real.

And I am in no way ready.

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