Chapter 4

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"Hello deary" Evelyn says as I enter the kitchen. It's now getting dark and luckily I haven't seen Jason since I ran off earlier. I don't answer her, instead I give her a weak smile, which she returns with a bright, cheery smile. Evelyn doesn't make sense to me, she's way too caring and trusting to people she doesn't know, but that's my opinion because of personal experience. The last time I let myself trust someone I almost died. One of the times before, trust caused me to lose my parents.

"If you're trying to avoid Jason, it won't work, no matter how hard you try." She tries to get me to talk, "but then if you've lasted this long without even a hint then they must be special to you" More than that. She's my sister, we lost our parents, she isn't ready for this world and I have to help protect her. I still don't reply. This is a game I won't lose, I'm not risking giving away a hint. A rather awkward silence washes over the room and some time passes before it is broken.

"So earlier you said something about being a rogue forever, what happened?" Evelyn attempts to strike up a conversation. I debate my next move, she's probably looking for answers that are not being given.

"I don't know, never really asked" I lie.

"Why don't you?" she pries.

"My parents were killed when I was seven" I explain. Murdered  my wolf corrects.

"Oh I'm so sorry, what happened?"

"Trust happened" I mummer sharply and quietly, but loud enough to hear. I watch as she takes in my words and doesn't get any answers or clues. At that's one less problem.

That is until Tina bounces into the room, "Hi mummy" she beams, her happiness drops when she sees me and she pulls a face, Evelyn gives her a stern look, warning her daughter to be polite. "But mummy that's the girl who refuses to help us. She denies destiny" she tries to argue. I don't know how to reply to that. I'm not 'denying destiny' but to these people it could seem that way.

"Xya  has always been a rebel" Hunter explains as he strolls in. All I can do is shake my head and roll my eyes. Hunter's ideas on things are well... different.

"You two know each other? How did you meet?" Evelyn asks. I'm still weary about answering, but for them to understand they'll have to learn somethings. At least I don't have to explain anything yet.

"We met when we were kids. He's good friend's with Rowan, my brother and the other guys" I answer as bluntly as possible. 

"You live in a group?" Evelyn continues to pry.

"They're my pack" I shrug. Pack?  I just said pack! I mean in a way we are, but not really. Yet rogues never travel with others so maybe we are. This situation is ruining me, I would never say things like this usually. Right now I'm very aware of Tina and Evelyn's confusion and that Hunter is internally laughing, but if I were him I would be too. Now is not the time for this. I slipped up, but it wasn't important information. I'll survive this time. 

"They're my pack" I repeat surprising myself, "I mean what is a pack? People who look out for you. People you fight for. People you trust. So yeah they are my pack. But we're better than a pack. Cause we don't need anyone to tell us what to do. Instead we just look out for each other." I smirk and walk away, retreating to the outside. Leaving everyone in there, including Hunter confused and lost. And personally I'm not doing much better.


I wander aimlessly in the woods, inhaling the night's air and enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by nothing but nature. The feeling I have felt all my life. If I'm being honest, I am slightly scared of what is going to happen. One mistake and everything could go wrong, a problem I wouldn't be able to fix or run away from.

I've been walking around for a while now, I'm not sure how long, but quiet a long time. During that time all there has been is darkness, but now through the trees I see a flickering light. Not the light from the house, light from a fire? I creep forwards silently, sneaking up in whatever this is. As I come closer there is a faint buzzing of music. I sneak closer and closer until at last I reach the edge of a clearing. In front of me is a large group of pack member including (Beta) Marc and Jason, along with Hunter. The group surrounds a large bonfire in the middle. I wasn't expecting Jason to be celebrating yet, he hasn't actually met his mate and he's not getting that privilege anytime soon.  And just to be sure I'm leaving. Now.

After backing away into the forest I break into a run, not allowing myself to shift so I won't give myself away. I run for another while until I reach a different clearing, the one where the pack house is. I hesitate, unsure if I should go in and attempt escape later or try to escape now. Picking the second would likely get me caught, I need a plan that can get me out of here with as little risk. 

Then the idea hits me. 


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