Chapter 3

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This pack doesn't look like anything I'd imagined. Not that I wasted any time on imagining something pointless. Everything here is clean and organised. The largest building, the pack house, is made of a light grey stone. Some matching stone steps lead up to dark brown double doors. Above on the upper levels are windows, light from within spilling out into the night. Flowers run alongside the stairs and around the side out of sight.

"Welcome to your new home" Jason states.

"More like rogue paradise" Hunter corrects.

"My idea of paradise is not waking up and having to run for my life" I mummer, only Hunter hears and answers with a quiet chuckle. But it is true we have had quite a few cases where I've woken and we were under attack and had to immediately disappear. Jason shows me a room upstairs on the far side of the house. As much as I should be glad to have a roof above my head. There's no way I can. I can't be glad about anything, I'm trapped in a pack house, where the Alfa is my sister's mate. This just can't be. How did I let this happen? It doesn't matter I'll fix it. Like my mother used to say 'what is destined will always be destined, it's our response that decides the end'

It was easy to sleep through the night, one of the best sleeps I've had in a while. Now I have to escape before anything can get worse. I grab my boots from the corner and creep down the stairs and past the kitchen.

"Ah, you must be my son's latest rescue." Those words cut through the air and my ideas of escape disappeared, I slowly turn to face a woman with long brown hair and eyes. "Oh, I'm Jason's mother, Evelyn. You poor thing, so lucky he saved you. Whatever could have happened to someone so sweet?" she continues. Is she insane? She doesn't even know us! My wolf pipes up and I stifle down a laugh.

"Mother!" Jason's voice complains, "She's here to tell me who my mate is"

"But after that the poor dear should join the pack, she probably had to flee hers for safety"

"Actually I'm a 5th generation rogue" I add, it's true, my family has been running for generations. Not that it mattered she didn't hear me. Or if she did she didn't listen.

"And with the Royals coming next week, they could do the tests" she argued. My entire world halted. Royals coming here. To where I'm trapped. I am so dead.

"Xya will really love that. Won't you?" Hunter arrives, I scowl at him, "I mean unless you want to cooperate. But you're not called a Royal pain for nothing" Royal pain. My brother's name for me, the name I'm stuck with as boys never truly mature.

"Hunter this I serious" I snap

"Yeah well it was your choice to come here"

"Don't question us. We know what we're doing" I growl. It took a moment to gain full control of myself, ensuring I wouldn't fight him. If that happened I would make everything worse, people here would be suspicious and I cannot afford for that to happen.

"You two can argue anytime and anywhere. All I need is her name and location" Jason interferes.

"He's almost as naïve as her. He's jut sentenced her to death!" I scream. Hurt flashes on Jason's face for a moment before anger takes over.

"She's needle-phobic. Can't have the blood test to prove herself to the royals" Hunter explains, calming Jason down. At least he bought the lie. I mean its believable. The Royal's demand a blood test for every rogue found to determine if they have royal blood or not. We do, so we would be killed. If you don't you could be granted the opportunity to join a pack, provided that you're not an insane murder or criminal that has done treacherous things. For every criminal the outcome would depend on how bad you crime was, it ranged from painful deaths to serving time in prison.

'Thank you' I mind link him.

At least I know Hunter can still be trusted.


It takes a while but I manage to escape the kitchen and I find myself wandering around outside. What was I thinking, that I could just walk out of here when I woke up? Of course not, there would be border patrols to sneak past and other pack members up early. It's fine, I can just figure something else out. Right?

In the end I settle down beside a tree and then I allow myself to fall into a world of plotting and escape ideas. Quite some time passes and not much progress is made, no plans or even faint ideas. I decide I should go back so I pull myself up, still clueless. Maybe I wing it? No, that would be a disaster. This only makes me feel more on edge, I'm trapped and doomed and now everything seems like a threat. Like right now I feel like I'm being watched, but I always know when someone is watching me. This situation is messing with my head.

"It's you!" a girl about 10 squeals as she rushes up to me and throws her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. The girl has brown hair which reaches below her shoulders and excited brown eyes, while her mouth is stuck in a grin. After a short while she lets me go and acknowledges my confusion. "Right... I'm Tina, Jason's younger sister. Being the youngest is the worst. But you're here to fix everything. He'll leave me alone when he gets his mate and you know who she is! And I'll have someone to got shopping with!" I picture that image of this girl shopping with Kaia. A lot would have had to change for that to happen. Things that cannot change.

"Woah, slow down. First of all, I'm not staying and nor is his mate"

"But..." she stutters.

"Sorry, but it's just not happening. We'll be long gone before the Royals get here."

"But it is going to happen no matter what you say. It's destiny" she stomps off.

"You always did have a way with kids" Hunter strolls over, in return I elbow him in the ribs. He pulls a fake hurt face and I can't help but laugh. "You're in for it now" he jokes and I run away, him chasing me. Hunter's always been a jokester and loves to mess around with me and Kaia. In the past he's chased us around. One time we ended up in a tree and didn't come down for hours. Usually he catches us, but today I escape into the house and back inside the room I was in earlier. I lock the door before he reaches me.

"I hate your bloodline sometimes" he mummers as he sits down on the other side of the door. I sit down with my back to the door too.

"Me too" I sigh, for a while we allow a silence to pass over us as we dwelled on thoughts. "Hey Hunter?" I heard him grunt in acknowledgement, "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know Xya. You'll figure it out"

"Hunter, I don't think there's an answer this time" I open the door, we both stand up "Everyone here thinks I can give them their Luna and fix all the problems, but I can't fix anything. I can't even tell my sister the world wants her dead or anything she should know" I walk forwards and rest my head on his shoulder. After a while I lift my head to see Jason waiting behind. Perfect I think to myself sarcastically. He probably heard most of that.

"Just tell me who she is and where I can find her. It's that simple." he asks.


This is anything but simple.

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