Chapter 9

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We've been walking for days, sneaking around borders and staying under the radar.  Following the standard traveling routine. So far we have successfully travelled most of the journey and should be arriving by sunrise. We'll spend the day setting up base and we'll begin training tomorrow. We're staying at a cottage at the edge of a small town, my parents took us here before they died. 

As expected we arrive around sunrise, we follow the dirt track up towards the wooden cottage, hidden within the trees of the forest. Its wooden balcony, supported by wooden beams. More wooden beams supporting the roof, which extends over to the main part of the cottage. The stone chimney runs down the side of the cabin, beside the small entrance. The small building sits impressively on a slope which continues to fall down into a large lake. 

Rowan and the others enter the cabin, while I walk onto the balcony and look beyond at the lake filled with crystal clear water, the sunlight dancing on the water's surface. 

"Hey" Hunter's familiar voice whispers as he places himself beside me, "You alright?"

"Yeah" I answer, I had to be alright, this is a fight we had to win, then everything would be better. But was I ready? That's what always makes me stop and think. And the answer is always the same. I'm always uncertain. I suppose that I'm not sure if this will work and even if it does will be a good idea.  I mean would we ever be accepted?

"You don't sound so sure" Hunter replies.

"That's because I'm not. Are we ready for this? Would be even be accepted? Could..." I start throwing all my problems around.

"Stop. Just stop" Hunter interrupts, "We've got this. With the three of you we have great odds."

"Hunter. Odds aren't reliable" I roll my eyes as I walk a few steps away, putting distance between us. Which is a mistake because Hunter takes the opportunity when I'm not looking to grab me and throw me over his shoulder.

"Have a little faith Xya" Hunter whispers.

"Hunter!" I shout, he chuckles as he carries me to the forest floor.  I don't know what he's going to do and I certainly don't intend on staying to find out. So I do what any other person would do.  I knee him in the stomach. He drops me and I land on my feet and start to back away from him, laughing. I'm not even sure how he is surprised, he knows very well I will always be stronger than him. 

But I back away to far as next thing I know is I'm losing my footing and falling into the lake. The water submerges me as I inhale a mouthful of water.  For a moment I'm lost in a daze, but soon time catches up with me and I push myself up towards the surface. Waiting on the bank is a Hunter, laughter erupting like a volcano. Behind him, watching from the balcony are the rest of the group members, except Kaia. I cough out the water, waiting for Hunter to stop. He doesn't, so I simply shake my head at Hunter, which doesn't help his laughing. 

"Wanna hand?" Hunter finally gets control of his laughter, he stretches out his hand. An offer I refuse to accept. By myself I pull myself out and begin to walk off. As I do Hunter's laughter starts up again. I suppose I still have a lesson to teach, don't I?

I race back and push Hunter into the lake, falling in with him. When our heads bob above the surface again, I can't help but laughing and soon Hunter joins in too. Then, Rowan is above us, scowling. 

"This is serious!" he scolds. I'm about to reply when Hunter decides to splash Rowan. The water springs to life and lands on its target, a now very angry and determined Rowan. By now the rest of the guys have arrived at the lake side. Rowan decides to get revenge and cannonball into the lake splashing Hunter back. Michael, Kyle, James and Match take this chance to leap in after him, joining in the game Hunter started. I take this chance to slip out of the lake and run away to the house. 

Before I walk inside I peek back to see them splashing and giggling like children. It was rare that we could be kids and play or mess around, we had to grow up so quickly. And what can I say these guys are the kind that take any chance to mess around.

Inside I find Kaia, siting on the table, swinging her leg, her hands gripping to the edge to stop her from falling. 

"What happened to you? You look like you've been dunked in a lake." she exclaims.

"That's kind of what happened. Look outside." I answer. Kaia pushes herself of the table and rushes over the window and looks out at the view of the boys in the lake, I know when  she's seen it from her sudden giggle. 

"Boys eh?" she mummers as she nudges me playfully on the shoulder.  We both start to giggle. Unsure how we live with those people. 

But I'm glad for this moment. Right now I can forget my problems. We can be normal.

And maybe one day we can have this all the time.


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