Chapter 7

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In the moment nothing was going to stop me. I was going to run. So it's what I instantly did. Trees blurring to one, a mixture of different green and brown shades as I speed past.

At last, I reach the clearing, the clearing I spent years of my life. Where a lonesome wooden house hides, the house I once called home. Now it remains the resting place of my parents, a place filled with childhood memories, all tinted with terror. Whether or not I want to be back, this is the only hidden place our pack could stay. As I stand outside, I'm still unsure how to feel about returning here. In one way this place was a haven me and my family lived safely in. However, it was the place my parents were killed, and my family was betrayed... by my tutor. I might have been young, but she's someone I'll never forget. She discovered our secret after a few tutor sessions and turned us in. If me, Rowan and Kaia weren't out in the woods when our parents were killed, we would be dead too. Even today I can clearly remember their cold bodies and lifeless eyes, the blood splattered on the floor when we returned. After, Rowan and I got some revenge with Hunter's assistance. Just to ensure she knew it was us we used her lessons which turned out to not be so useless. We never heard from her again, all we know is she joined the council and declared our existence. But by the time they came to look for us our parents were buried, and we had long vanished into the deep of the forest.

Vines and bushes grow up along the stone walls of the two-story cottage. A discoloured white, marks the entrance to the battered door. To the right of the door is a turret which shoots up into the sky with vines and shrubs twisting up along with it. I make my way over to the door and push it open which takes quite some force. Inside everything is still the same. If I looked closely enough, I could probably could still see the stains of blood on the entrance wall.

"Xya!" Kaia screams as she runs over to me giving me a bone-crushing hug, causing me to laugh. She really didn't have any faith in me. Rowan and the rest of the guys come to greet me, none as enthusiastic as they knew I'd survive. Everyone in this group knew we were royal and I couldn't be beaten - except Kaia. 


Me and Rowan spent the rest of the day planning our next move using my recent experience with meeting a pack. Before that encounter no one ever thought of the future. Now we had too. So far we had exposed all the problems and possible threats and we are currently figuring out solutions. The main problem - Kaia's mate. That answer would decide practically everything else. But that's the hardest dilemma to fix, which could cost us gravely if we don't figure something out soon. We decide to leave it till tomorrow and that it is best I address some of these problems to Kaia considering it's her mate.

I make my way up to her room and knock on the door. In reply I hear her mumbling something grumpily. I let myself in and walk over to the bed where she had sat up from.

"Oh good it's you. I thought it'd be Rowan" Kaia smiles, I sit beside her, "What's up?"

"Remember when I told you about mates?" I ask, "Well I found yours." She gives me a look of pure disbelief. 

"I don't want one. They're too much trouble." She shrugs.

"I know" I sigh.

"So you're giving me to him?" She snaps, her face filled with disgust and shock.

"No. I'm not doing anything. Whatever happens with you and him. That's for you to decide. I thought it was best for you to know. Considering it's going to change a lot for us."

"Why should it? Nothing will happen. Nothing should change." 

"We all know it already has. He could get the world to look for us. And someone's will figure it out"

"So what are you going to do?" 

"Use this opportunity. We're planning tomorrow. I'll tell you what happens." I walk towards to the door, "Goodnight Kaia" I leave the room.

"Night" I hear her mumble through the door.

The next morning, we don't hesitate to leap into the world of plotting and planning. The four other guys have now joined us, but Kaia doesn't. We explain the situation we are in and they try help with solutions. All day we try, still nothing. Even by the following evening we haven't come up with a proper answer. 

"Why can't we disappear?" one of them asks, I'm not sure who as I'm not paying attention.

"We can but we can't avoid this forever" I explain. 

"Maybe..." James attempts to counter.

"I have the answer" a new voice says from the doorway.

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