You're beauty never scared me..♡ (Nabnab x Fem!Reader/Player) Fluff and Angst❗

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Notes 🖇 : Decided to do Nabnab next lol

Mascot or Human ? : Mascot

Warnings ⚠️ : Fighting,Strong Language aka ✨angst✨



I was in the maintenance room where the person on the intercom told me to go to find some blue key card to let him out, But I'm only doing this to save my little sister. I don't even trust that person anyways, Next thing you know the man could knock me out and do whatever to me without me knowing! (I mean...He already kinda did :> ) I open the green door after seeing all the paintings of the mascots that are new, One of them catching my eye and that one being the spider named "Nabnab" I also noticed that it was Banban but spelt backwards, Banban being the red mascot next to the door on the other wall before I left. And seeing his painting in the upper level of the kindergarten, Man freaks me out a bit.

I get out of my thoughts as I open the door and read the list on the left side of the wall "If in confrontation with the spider, Make as much noise as possible until help arrives-? Psh I don't need someone to save me, Even if it was a women or a monster" I say as I roll my eyes and start walking through the maze. It was so lit up in the room, And there were these arrows that were pink and blue that went different ways to different dead ends. Maybe they'll become useful later on. I make it to the end as I fly my drone and hit the buttons on top to see that the door with Banbaleena and Jumbo Josh wearing helmets and a vest painted on opened up. I smile as I walk in and see Nabnab saying "boo" on the wall "Ahhh!" I say in a playful way laughing at the end, I see the key card on the floor and grab it "Good now I can let out that man and be over with this mess!" I say as I put the key card in my pocket and walk out, Suddenly the lights turned off or on since they made a noise and see something crawling on the roof, It was Nabnab! He finally crawled over to me to the point he was on top of me from the roof and was looking right down at me. He had this huge mouth with sharp teeth and a tounge,Sharp arms and legs and had a party hat on his head. He also had 3 eyes, "Whoa...Your so cool looking! You must be Nabnab!" I say in a cheerful way making Nabnab have a confused look "...You should start running human before I kill you! Don't play with me" Nabnab said as he was about to jump down "Pssh, I'm not scared of someone like you! Your too cool looking to be scary, Why dont you jump on down here to let me get a good look at you" I say in a amazed way as Nabnab jumped down quickly and was standing on his 2 sharp legs "What are you gonna do now?! I can sense fear in your eyes and in your voice so don't try to act scared of me human" Nabnab said as he held up his arm like a blade looking like he was gonna slice my neck open "Please..I'm not scared Nabnab. I know what you are-" "YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHING OF ME YOU PATHETIC HUMAN" Nabnab shouted at me as he swung his arm at me, He went for my face as I moved a bit but he left a small wound on my face that went to my ear to my nose and it was bleeding out. I fell into the room again but near the table shelf looking thing with Nabnab painted "You're not afraid now huh? Then why are you shaking?"Nabnab asked as he walked in and was laughing a bit "BECAUSE YOU CUT ME YOU FUCKING BITCH. I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE BUT NO I'M ALWAYS THE ONE GETTING CUT LIKE THIS EH?!" I shouted as I covered my scar with my hand scooted close to the wall and tried to lay down "Why in the hell did you need to be nice to me human?! I'm a monster am I not?! What do you see in me that you think that is nice?!" Nabnab shouted at me as he got closed to me and picked me up by the collar of my shirt "Someone who died okay?! Someone who was killed and who's soul was put into a clay monster body! That's what I see" I say as tears rolled down my eyes, Nabnab looked at me with hatred in his eyes before but now..Now they looked confused and sad that a human didn't fear him. But now it did. I kicked Nabnab in the face making him fall and drop me on the ground. I got up and ran out of there as fast as I could with my hand still covering my scar until I felt something grab my waist and pull me back making me scream. I soon got hit in the head and blacked out...

Nabnab POV

I watched as the human got away, They kicked me in the face but I could've bitten their foot off! My teeth are strong enough for that! But before I saw them run, I saw they had a key card with them..A light blue one. And I knew damn well which door that went too. That went to the blue door on the room upstairs but there's nothing in there but boxes and a table! Who would want to go in there?! But then I realized..She was following Banban's requests, He's tricking her to "let him out" when he's not even trapped! He's going to kill them or do worse if I don't do shit about it!!

I got up and ran for them, There was no time for me to climb on the ceiling I had to do this now! I finally got behind them and soon knocked them out..They fell backwards by hitting the back of their head on the ground. But then I realized a "them" is not a them, It's a "she". She had
H/L (Hair length) that was H/C (Hair color) the scar I did to her would leave a lot of damage for sure..I didn't mean to hurt her that bad..She's beautiful though. I don't want her to get hurt by Banban if he does something to her like try to steal her pancreas or whatever. But she deserves it, I know she'll try to run away when she wakes up but it's the least I can do..And I can try to warn her about Banban..

2 hours later...

I was sitting in my hideout with the human still knocked out on the floor, I tried putting a bandage on her wound but it looks wonky, I'm sure she's able to fix and place bandages when she gets up. Just then I heard a grunt come out of her as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, Then gave a sound that sounded like a snake as she touched her wound "Y-You should touch it-! It looks pretty bad..!" I said as I got closer to her as she jumped and backed away "L-Listen I'm sorry-! It was wrong of me of what I said back there! I-I didn't know who you were just please don't kill me Nabnab I'm sorry!" She cried out as she put her arms covering her face "Hey it's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you..I'm sorry for doing and saying all of those things to you..I was just..Angry and afraid by you and I thought you were going to hurt me like how all of the scientists did.." "What..? No..No no never..I would never hurt someone as pretty as you.." She said as she got closer to me and slowly put her hand on my face "Thanks..What's your name so I can stop calling you..Human.." I asked as she smiled and giggled a bit "It's Y/N" "I see..Nice to meet you Y/N. Has anyone ever told you how sweet and beautiful you are?" I said as Y/N's face had this red tint on her "No..Nobody has ever said that to me" Y/N said as she smiled more and got more closer to me. She was staring into my eyes, And she got closer to me and wrapped her arms around me "H-Hey! W-What are you d-doing..?!" I stuttered out in fear "I'm giving you a hug silly! You're too cute and sweet so you deserve one!" Y/N said as she giggled again and I calmed down. I wrapped my arms around her aswell as she sighed and let go of me and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Hey Y/N my dear..Why do you have a key card on you if I may ask?" Y/N looked up at me and had a red tint on her face and looked away "W-Well..Some dude from the intercom asked me to free him from a security room..And he needed me to go down there so I did" Y/N said as she laied her body on my lap "Well that isn't a normal person Y/N..That was Banban..He was tricking you so he could hurt you himself and try to do something to your fragile body lets say. He's a monster just like the rest of us, He's pure evil Y/N don't you dare trust him.." Y/N got scared as she got closer to me and I hugged her. We both layed down together and continued to hold onto me. I don't know what I was feeling at the momment..It felt like I wanted to hug and hold her forever and let me have her...Maybe she felt the same for me..
"Nabnab.." "..Yes my dear..?" "I..I love you..Thanks for keeping me safe with you" "I...I love you too and your welcome.." Y/N smiled as she buried her face into my neck and grabbed me closer. Now I knew what I felt..I felt love for her..

"My human.."


Yes u fall in love with a spider guys omg #real. Lol

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