25. Perfectly Fine, Part II

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WARNING!! This chapter mentions cases of Domestic Abuse and Miscarriage. Reader Discretion is Advised.



The car ride home from the restaurant had been a silent one.

It was clear that Christian was angry. His knuckles would whiten gripping the steering wheel and his speeding was out of control, this scared Madison.

She was scared to get in the car with him after the accident, she was always fearing the most.

Their driveway came into view and Chris turned in, parking the car.

Madison sat there still, a million thoughts racing in her mind. Unsure of how to approach him she unbuckled her seat belt and stepped out of the car.

"Madison-" He called out for her chasing behind her. "I'm calling you god dammit!" 

She hurriedly searched for the key in her purse and unlocked the front door of their home, and the first step she took inside she was pushed up against the wall, Christian's face came into view.

"How dare you walk away from me when I'm speaking to you?" He frowned at her.

   "Get out of my way." She told him but he just kept staring at her.

"You're so beautiful." He said tracing his finger on the side of her face, she shivered under his touch causing her to turn the other way, "-but you are such a stubborn bitch. So I am only going to ask you this once-" He glared at her. "Is he fucking you?"

She didn't answer but frowned at his question.

"Look at me" He chuckles deeply, "-just be honest with me. Is he fucking you?"

  Madison looked at him, "I don't have time for this shit again Christian, I'm tired let me-"

As she tried to walk away and escape his grasp he pulled her back and was once again slammed into the wall much harder. He gripped a handful of her hair, forcing her to look up at him. "I don't want to hurt you baby." He said leaning down to her ear, "so answer the question, are you having an affair with him?"

Madison huffed, tears beginning to fill in her eyes and an unsettling lump was in her throat making it harder to speak. "Whitney is my best friend, I'm not sleeping with her husband and for you to think that is insane, you don't trust me-"

Her cheek wince in pain after christian slapped her, also causing her to fall to the ground. He removed his suit jacket and placed it on the coat hanger that stood beside the door, and taking his time facing her. Her hand touched her cheek trying to cool down the burning sensation. He squatted down to her level and slowly graced her cheek to wipe her tears away. She flinched but still remained eye contact with him.

He chuckled deeply, "You know I hate that bitch," He said trailing the side of her face, "Always thinking she knows better." He looked in her eyes and asked again, "So tell me baby, are you having an affair, hmm?"

Madison looked up at him, he's eyes dark and cold, she muffled out a cry realizing that he will never believe her. That he is the one in control and she will always be wrong in his eyes. 

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