30. A Whole New World

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The elevator comes to a stop and opens up.

"After you." Sebastian smiles leading the way.

I walk out onto the 13th floor and is immediately met with stares from employees sitting by their small desks.

Sebastian follows closely walking next to me, "Don't mind them, they're just surprised to see the mystery woman the Ceo spends most of his time with."

  I smile uncomfortable, moving my hair out of my face, "Everyone knows about me huh?"

He smiles down at me and just nods.

We reach Tracy's desk on the side right infront of two black double doors.
She smiles brightly when she sees me, "How have you been doing darling?"

I walk up to her, and after a hug and a quick exchange of words she informs us that Nathan is in his office.
I follow Sebastian and after he knocks twice he opens the door, letting me enter first.

And there he is.

Nathan Lane.

Sitting at his desk, his chair is facing the side, and when he turns his head glancing at me, I see that he's on a phone call.

I hear a sigh next to me, "This guy is always on the phone, please don't mind him and make yourself comfortable." And before turning back to leave Sebastian gives me a smile.

  I turn back looking at Nathan and he just eyes me while talking on the phone, I give him a small smile which he returns before turning away from me again.

After standing there silently for a few seconds I decided to walk around, looking at the modern art pieces on the walls with black and wood accents.
  On the left is an open seated area with the busy city view at the bottom displayed through the floor to ceiling windows.

This is what he sees.

A world completely different from mine.

As I take a step closer in the sitting area I spot a table with a mini three-d developmental prototype display, I bend alittle to get a closer look at the amazing architecture designs and landscaping.

"She's a beauty isn't she?"

Suddenly my heart beat increases at the sound of his voice.

I turn around, and there he is standing next to the couch looking sophisticated as ever.

I have no words.

Nathan gives me a small smile, "Sorry about that, I had to take the call."

  "It's alright." I smile back at him, suddenly feeling shy as if I'm a teenage girl seeing her crush, "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you as well. Are you doing good?" He asks sincerely, knowing he's asking about any news on my mom.

   "I'm fine yes."

He steps closer to me and stares at me with a arch brow, "'Fine' isn't really a word in my vocabulary, so tell me how you're really doing?"

  I turn away from him, eyeing the miniature display again. "You always seem to know what I'm thinking or know when I'm not being honest with myself."

"Well I'm good at reading people, it's part of what I do."

  I chuckle at that, "That you are."

I didn't feel like talking about myself, and I am hoping he would catch that.

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