32. Better Version

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Inspiration song for this chapter: Sabrina Claudio - Better Version



The amount of boxes around me is abit overwhelming.

A couple days have passed and after alot of talking with Nathan, I'm moving in with him before we get married.

It just seemed like the right thing to do.

"And you're moving in with him? As in right now?" I hear Whitney say on the phone call we having.

  My phone is nudged between my shoulder and ear while I'm packing up the last remaining of my clothes, "I'm busy packing yes, I know it seems crazy but it's what I have to do at the moment, Whitney."

After telling my best friend of the events that's been going on in my life for the past few months it's safe to say she was surprised at the news, especially about my soon-to-be husband.

"You've completely lost your mind babe. Are you inlove with him?" She asks, almost whispering the question.

I laugh, "What? No, I'm not in love with him, like I told you it's strictly professional."

"Nothing about marriage is professional. And why haven't you told me about your mom huh? I had to hear it from Jace."

I place the clothes in a box, "I'm sorry okay?" And sigh, not really in the mood to be talking about my mother.

"I really hope she gets better Maddie."

I can't help the smile forming on my lips, I really love this girl. "Thank you Whitney. I hope so too." After a few seconds of wrapping the box up with tape, I return back to the call.
    "So when are you coming back home?"

"Actually tomorrow is my last day but my flight is Thursday."

   "Alright great! Because there's a really important date this Sunday." I smile while looking down at the ring on my finger.

After a few seconds I hear her gasp, "No! Already?"

  I laugh at her reaction, "Yeah..we getting married this Sunday."

"Have you met his family yet?" Whitney asks suddenly, causing me to stop with what I'm doing.

   "No, not yet, I will Saturday before the wedding, well Nathan said we'll just announce it to his family that we're getting married and then the Sunday we'll just sign the papers, take some media coverage after. So no traditional wedding ceremony, and then just go home I guess."

To my new home.

   "So please let me know when you're in town."

"Alright I will... Is he good to you, Maddie?"

   I stop what I'm doing for a split second and answer her, "He's nothing like Christian if that what you're asking, he's everything I wish for in a man."

"Oh, you're not inlove with him alright." She mocks.

  I sigh out, "We're just friends, I'm not attracted to him, and besides I have bigger things to worry about than falling in love with someone."

"Sounds like he really cares for you."

    "He does Whitney."

"His sister on the other hand can be a bitch." She suddenly announces and I frown.

   "You know his sister?" I ask.

"Well professionally I do, she's a runway supermodel Madison, I helped styled her for fashion week, and let me tell you she can be quite demanding."

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