3. Bottoms Down

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Whitney left earlier today for the City Of Love, and let me tell you she was so excited for the next couple of months to come. And I was too. After Jace (her husband), Will (her seven year old son), and I said goodbye at the airport I went to my crusty apartment, but soon left. And now I'm here all alone at a bar on a Friday night.

  God, this is just sad.

Slurping down the dry martini in one go sends a bitter taste to my tongue, but it's the ounce of vodka that's in it that keeps me going and needing for more.

Yes, I've been here for about an hour now, I don't know...I can't remember. And maybe the bunch of alcohol is finally reaching my head because it can't stop buzzing, but I need this right now. Let me be sad and drunk. Just once please.

"Another round?" The bartender behind the counter asks smiling.

  I smile back taking in his sleek back hair and half rolled up white shirt, exposing his tattoos. "Yeah, actually can I have a margarita but with lots of tequila?"

"Yeah, sure sweetheart." He winks at me.

He's charming.

But not tonight Satan.

Soon after he brings my drink, and this time I take my time chugging it down.

When Christian and I were together he never aloud me to drink. Ever. Well, he didn't allow me to do alot of things actually. He held me back, but he said he was just trying to protect me. Protect me from what exactly? Holding someone back from something for your own personal gain and benefit is not protection. It's ownership. He owned me. But not anymore, because I'm free from he's manipulating and controlling clutches.

Who are you trying to fool baby? Me or yourself?

I felt suffocated when I was with him, that's why I needed to leave. But now that I'm free, I still see him in my dreams, I still think about him and wish he was close to me, holding me. But that toxic love is not what I deserve. I never deserved it in the first place. So now I respect myself for leaving him, even though it was the hardest thing to do.

Im sorry.

I still love you and I don't think that'll ever change.

Letting go of someone you've known for so long and made plenty of memories with is not easy. Not even in the slightest.

"Why you look so sappy?"

I heard a voice next to me, and turned to look at the person.

  "Huh?" Was this man talking to me?

He cracks a smirk. "I've been sitting here next to you for the past fifteen minutes contemplating if I should buy you a drink, but you're more focused on staring into your empty glass looking all sad."

I frown at him. "You were watching me?"

"Do you want me to answer that?"

A sigh leaves my mouth. "Listen, I'm not in a position to be getting hit on right now. So please leave me alone."

He chuckles amusingly, "You think I'm hitting on you?"

  "Why would you offer me a drink then?" I question.

He folds his arms across his chest. "From my understanding I didn't offer you one, yet." He shrugs, "Plus misery loves company."

I scanned him up and down, taking in his handsome sculptured face. The black suit made him look strong and powerful. Something I'm not.

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