I - Landing

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After multiple grueling battles across the North Pole of Serpulo, destroying and wiping each and every single Crux Base off their respective sectors. After multiple attempts to destroy several bases with the Threat Level of Eradication.

The AI did it, they have managed to drive off the Crux. Their only enemy on this planet.
It has been several Planetary Rotations ever since the Sharded AI first reactivated from it's who knows how long they've been deactivated for, and landed on a sector that the AI would rename to a name fitting it: Ground Zero.

From recollecting their first copper to building their first yet mostly primitive base with Mechanical Drills made of copper with their only defense being the Duo Turrets and Scatter AAs here and there, serving as their only line of defense against the attacking Crux Scouting Groups whom underestimated them from the start to the Battle of the Planetary Launch Terminal, where the Crux fiercely defended the coastal base from them, trying to throw everything they had at them from Zeniths to waves of Flares and Horizons, to even sending in their best mech built possible, a Giant Spider Mech towering above all, able to trample over the Sharded's Grand Defenses and give them hell, but even their best trump card fell apart to the ground from the overwhelming defenses of the Sharded. And now fast forward to this moment.

The AI took a trip down the memory lane, remembering and researching what had left of their predecessor whose name was lost to time, now designated as "Derelict" (A fitting name for a once prosperous faction now reduced to nothing but unoperational ruins and rusting buildings.)
The AI even happily looked back at their battles and defeats with their only enemy, the Crux who the AI thinks was the faction that wiped out their predecessor many planetary rotations ago. Funny how they did the same thing to the Crux too.


It stopped itself from reminiscing any more now, maybe it's time to do something productive for once.. Since the Crux were wiped out.. Why not try out their technologies once more?

First things first, the Interplanetary Accelerator. It was a building not of the Derelict but actually of the Crux, the same thing with the Launch Pads too. The AI manage to steal it's blueprints after reclaiming what was left of the Planetary Launch Terminal

The AI also wanted to try out and build their trump card that they once tried to use against them, heck maybe the AI could test it too against any Crux Ruins standing today? They did steal the blueprints about the trump card not long ago.

But it had to start building the massive launch tower first.


After seeminly crying on the inside while building the whole damn thing
because of how resource intensive it was (even though the sector the ai is building it on is being loaded by Launch Pads from Sectors across Serpulo) and how slow it was being constructed (even with the help of Megas and Polys).

it finally finished it, the one and only! a building that the Crux for some reason tried protecting it with Meltdowns, Foreshadows and Spectres, the Interplanetary Accelerator!

The AI wiped their nonexistent tears. Their personality programming making them even tear up just a teeny bit with that success(no wonder the AI cried inside whenever they lost a core to the Crux.)

Well as the name suggests, it accelerates something, or whatever you organic lifeforms understand just by looking at it's name.. Well what it does is that the Interplanetary Accelerator builds a Core by using the materials loaded onto it, and using a massive supply of power, it can launch the core far off into the skies and into space where the Sharded AI's first core once floated around peacefully, before it landed on Ground Zero of course.

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