VI - Glenn Interferance

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Always build more than 1 silicon factories in a multiplayer server, that's a must-do whenever you fight three other factions in one map.

Besides, did you know that there are two things, one from Serpulo and another from Erekir that can absolutely wipe out all life on Remnant if accidentally released? Yeah, Spores and Neoplasia.

The former some of you already know, it outcompetes all life and produces toxic gas that can render the planet's atmosphere inhospitable. The latter however is a byproduct of a certain reactor, it's a bunch of cancer cells that spread on water meaning it can absolutely destroy Remnant's water supply and even the ocean if spilled on accident.

to think these two things exist, very terrifying to imagine the scale of destruction that they would bring if unleashed.


The city somehow became much more quieter compared to before, that's something only the members of the White Fang would notice.

No growling in the shadows, no feint stalking on concrete streets, and no Grimm packs prowling through what used to be Vale's attempt at expanding to Mountain Glenn.

And how did the White Fang find out why the Grimm had disappeared from this city entirely?

They were already looking at what looks like an Atlesian-styled base that had settled down within the forest in the outskirts of Glenn. Their faunus eyes glancing at each and every one of these giant turrets that looked like it can rip apart armies in an instant.

They were the source of loud sounds that one would mistake as coming from a war, and many White Fang volunteers even shuddered and feared that Vale had found out about their plan and decided to send the forces of the Atlesian army in to cleanse the mountains of any White Fang presence

But the idea that the base was related to Atlas was shut down, primarily because of the events in Solitas, most importantly about the unaffiliated base that nearly wiped out the Atlesian fleet sent there for "diplomacy" they say.

After all, Atlas doesn't even build bases that fast, nor do they have oversized turrets made for defensive purposes

So whatever they were, they were definitely the reason the Grimm are absolutely absent, and it'll probably remain like that for who knows how long..

"Eek!" A female White Fang scout would flinch when a turret.. A Salvo turned towards her in the face

"What? You scared of something like that?" Another said with suspicion

"Uh yeah!?" She glanced back to the turret and lets out a relieved sigh when it finally turned away from their position "Im glad it didn't fire, like just look at the size of that barrel!"

"Pfft, I bet I could-"

"Tough talking like that is gonna get you killed in no time" Another scolded, silencing the bold White Fang scout.

Without any further discussions, they all would turn their heads toward the Sharded base, each of their worried minds creatively thinking of what possible dangers that could bring to Roman's plan underground..


It's been days ever since the Sharded found out about the remnants of their old enemies' attempted settling in this world

And so far these troubling thoughts have kept the Sharded from launching a core, instead focusing on how and why the Crux was here.

As the Core Ship slowly built another Pyratite schematic for their Silicon Crucible factories, it's mind began to wander about the possibilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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