III - Dust Experiments ~ Desert Expansion

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You know what's beautiful about this planet? After spending some time on Sector First Contact, building factories here and there to advance a bit further. There were many things the AI could find and appreciate at without a constanf shade of purple plaguing their vision for the first time.

Firstly, the landscape, especially in this sector particularly. While the AI did enjoy some nice views here and there, the constant purple in the sky and the violet ground with white stalky trees kind of ruined it. But here it was very beautiful, coupled with distant mountains, white puffy clouds and dark green trees sprinkled throughout.

Not to mention the moon too, the AI couldn't even see the moon on Serpulo due to how purplishly cloudy it was.
And they didn't even expect the moon here to be broken too
No seriously. This planet's moon is broken for some reason, and how exactly is something that they might find answers to in the future

One thing for sure is that it looks mesmerizing, bright and nice to look at.

Moving on from the moon and the landscape, the AI has also seen some actual wildlife that's more colored than the monotone colored than the black and white, signature colors of their current attacking enemies.

Sadly many of them would scatter and run away after catching just a glimpse of the AI's flying ship approaching them so it had to watch them from afar

Such scaredy creatures, much different than their pitch black enemy.


While the enemy waves have been ramping up, with the newest additions in the waves of these hostile entities being Sabyrs and Manticores (more annoying flying enemies for the AI to deal with, plus they can land and become ground enemies, hence it was forced to build silicon-loaded salvos around scatter turrets),
they've probably reached a point where the base can no longer be improved upon.

The last resource it could get was plastanium here and it was hard to get to aswell.
How did it get plastanium exactly? Cultivators, aswell as Spore Presser Factories added in the mix so it can compress the spore pods it made into oil, and oil along with titanium was used to make plastanium

But the AI had to be extra careful with this sort of stuff, heck they've even modified the cultivator blueprint a bit specifically to make sure this planet doesn't get overrun by spores whenever they get destroyed

Basically the spores cultivated on Serpulo are incredibly dangerous and invasive, as it learned from a sector that housed the Biomass Synthesis Facility that the spores practically wiped out most of the remaining life. Heck it even produces toxic gases poisonous to any breathing animals as it says from the Spore Pod's details.

What the AI did to the existing Cultivator Blueprint was that it breeded and cultivated a new strain of spores, one that was still capable of producing toxic gases and spread, but now unable to quickly reproduce and pretty much die out quickly if they are not fed constant water. Basically a more nerfed version of the spores of Serpulo.
Which also meant the Modified Cultivators now had reduced efficiency and more water consumption.. Damn, was it worth the work? If it meant preserving life here then maybe?

It didn't even want to see this planet end up like Serpulo too, this was the first and only planet with features that were almost the exact same as their home planet. Now without the overarching presence of the spores.

Moving on from that the defenses have all been finished(it thinks so)

The salvos were now loaded with graphite, lancers facing where the grimm would most commonly attack, swarm turrets loaded with pyratite, an incredibly flammable compound(not really dust, it's just lead, sand and coal all turned into this), ripple artillery for the more crowded grimm waves and for shooting at enemies from a distance, and cyclones right next to the main line of defense and the AA defenses, they were loaded with metaglass too.

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