IV - Burning Clashes ~ Dune Guardians

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I actually have no idea what im doing here now.

Basically I'm stuck in the process of "how will the Sharded's first contact with Atlas play out" and currently? Im out of ideas and as a result was unable to update the fanfic as usual thanks this too, and also my procrastination is to blame for this minor hiatus too

And so as a result, I've decided to just go with what my mind thinks as of now, I'll still try and be faithful to RWBY as usual but uh.. mind of you expect Atlas in this story to be a bit more off than usual? Idk im not into military matters most of these days.

Enjoy this chapter made for fun!


Ruby Rose, Weiss, and a few other people in the background who were curious all watched as a shooting star flew through the bright blue skies of Vale, seemingly leaving behind a trail of white clouds as it goes

"Weiss? Does Atlas do that for testing or something? Because that doesn't look natural or meteor-y to me" she squinted her eyes at the sky

"I-" She shook her head, continuing to walk as Ruby followed behind her "I don't think so? I mean im pretty sure Atlas did try and send equipment into space many years ago? But it failed possibly because dust DOESN'T work in space, I don't think they tried again right now" She shrugged "But that doesn't matter now doesn't it? I mean we still have to information about the robberies right?"

"Ooh yeah I forgot!"

It didn't take long before that "shooting star" disappears into the clouds and onto the horizon.


Nora looked outside at her dorm window, with Jaune and Ren following at where she's looking.

It's the same shooting star from before. Just as bright in daytime as before, leaving behind a trail of smoke

"15 Lien it's an alien, Ren" She bets immediately after spotting the bright shooting star, smiling widely

"You think it is?" Jaune looked at her "It could be from Atlas instead.. could it be..?" He looked at Ren for reassurance, to which he could only give him a small shrug in response

"Aw cmon Jaune!" Her endless enthusiasm doesn't seem to be fazed by his reasoning by a bit "Be optimistic about it for once! Besides.."

She turned to look at where the 'comet' is heading "imagine if it could be aliens after all.."

She only got a confused "okay?" from her leader and a small nod from Ren, her childhood friend

They didn't realize that their teammate was right in her guesses. Just not in the way that she didn't expect it to be.


The ship the AI was controlling slowly wobbled around in the air while facing an army they didn't know even existed in front of their base.

It nervously turned its ship to look at the hovering Atlesian Dropships, and to the seemingly smaller mechs in a formation on the ground.


It was concerned, too concerned for the safety of their base.

They don't have the signature red color, they don't even have the same technology as that of the Crux. However they have a massive army awaiting them outside it's base.. meaning they're probably here to exterminate this specific base for whatever reason.

Just like the Crux.

While it doubted its decision, the AI eventually gave in to its concerns, marking every single one of these Atlesian units as hostile in their minimaps and in their defenses' hardware.

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