V - Glenn Excavation ~ Revelations

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I should be writing my argumentative essay but my mind is begging me to do another chapter

Also if anyone didn't know, I also have this crossposted onto fanfiction.net! Albeit the fanfic net version has some differences between this current fic and the one crossposted that you may notice.

Anyway enjoy!

I plan for this chapter to be atleast a tad bit short this time compared to the 4k words chapters.


Atlas was horrified.

While Ironwood was away, an unidentified object that people initially thought was a meteor landed in an isolated part of Solitas, before it quickly became what looked like an outpost

The General of the Atlesian Army did eventually send a fleet there to investigate and make contact with the people residing there, so as to explain why they were there in the first place

But it all came tumbling down from there.

They responded violently at his fleet, hails of fire and flak all around, decimating androids and mechs alike alongside taking the lives of at least a dozen people in the process, whenever it'd be downing tons of Dropships or Paladins.

As a result they were forced to retreat, essentially leaving the outpost alone for now, but the current condition of the retreating forces had already picked up TONS of attention, and soon there were already news outlets covering the juicy details that were on Remnant's version of the internet.

The reactions to this were a mixed bag.

Some families grieved for the loss of life during that failed first contact, while others rallied to avenge the fallen.

Many were shocked at the existence of said outpost, some were willing to go as far as to investigate it in person and maybe even record footage of it since there were none at the moment, only details and wordings revealed from the Atlesian Military.

And as for Ironwood..

"They fired at us"

"I can tell"

"Ozpin this is no time for sly jokes" The General stopped pacing back and forth to stomp at his desk and slam his arms down with teeth clenched "THEY FIRED AT MY FLEET!"

"I do believe that was an army was that not?" The Headmaster furrowed his eyebrows, leaning forward as he supported his head with his arms on his desk.

"It was, I meant for it to be a show of force in order to press the people behind the base into asking questions, they were MEANT for diplomacy" He grunted, standing up from the desk to pace back and forth once more "And-"

"And they treated it as an invasion force instead, acting in fear and firing the first shot before they thought you did" Ozpin sighed, reaching his hand out to his coffee to take a sip.. It was cold, he shouldn't leave it out for too long like this "Look, I know you want to negotiate with the unknown faction, but an army is a symbol of war" He reasoned,

the Kingdoms did dismantle their military after the Great War came to a close, but Atlas did not, only militarizing themselves further to the point where even their students from their academy had to involuntarily join the army. All for the sake of eliminating Grimm and protecting their people.

"And thus, it's no surprise that our secluded friends had to respond in kind, treating the arriving army that you sent as a potential invader"
He stopped in order to let Ironwood respond, but all the General did was respond in silence instead. His eyes boring into him with an emotion that told him he had no idea how to respond

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