Chapter 17

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When I woke up Harlan was already gone. His scent still lingered everywhere.

And that pissed me off. 

Probably because I had to sleep on my couch because he had the balls not only to show up in the middle of the night but also demand I give him my bed. Why didn't I fight him more, again? Really, wine makes me too compliant.

He probably slept with some random girl and left her in the middle of the night, that dick. He seems like the kind of person that would do that. Leave.

 Look at him, he even did it to me! He left without even saying goodbye! 

That man has always managed to upset me to the most intrinsic levels. I still remember the time I asked him who he was and his answer got me scowling as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

A guy that's stuck with you.

A sharp pain in my head got me out of my memories. I broke a mug, consequently cutting myself in the process and pouring scalding hot liquid on it as well. Great, I had no idea I could do that

What was he doing here anyway? I went to rinse my hand with cold water and I sighed with relief. The wound disappeared five minutes later not even leaving a scar this time.

I had to admit my super healing was a major perk. 

I cleaned the mess I'd made and decided I might as well get a head-start sorting the things I would want to take back and what I would throw out or donate. 

I still didn't know how I felt about this. This werewolf thing was definitely growing on me, but it wasn't exactly easy to accept all at once. As I had mentioned before, none of these things felt like they belonged to me anymore. And that hurt too.

I left out the hardest part at the end, my patient files. I simply couldn't throw them away, these were notes I had made of every patient, observations, and things that might be useful to the person that would treat them next.

This was the hardest part for me, having to say goodbye to the only people I really cared for. Leaving something that used to give meaning to my life behind was one of the things I was dreading the most. I really loved my job and the possibility of never being able to do it again destroyed me. 

Because right now, from what I knew, the only way to not die - the possibility of death was something I also hadn't processed yet - was to find my mate. And even then I could never have a normal life, I would have to live in a pack and do pack things - whatever they were.

I didn't know what to make of this, what it would mean. Would this really be life? Could I be happy living this way? I didn't know because I never allowed myself to know. Maybe this chapter of my life had ended and it was a good thing. Change can be good.

That is what I kept chanting as I ventured into St. Aurelia Hospital. 

As I was walking to the psychiatric unit I got a text from Harlan.

'Where are you?'

'At St. Aurelia Hospital, why?' The bastard obviously left me on read.

When I finally got there I saw Maggie.

"Yaay, you're back!" her shrill voice said as soon as I approached the main desk.

"Maggie," I said with a smile, she was the only person who would actually care. She was one of those annoyingly happy people that loves everyone and everything. Maybe a bit delusional, but generally nice. "I am sadly not--"

"Dr. Carter thank goodness you are here!" Dr. Ladley, my boss said with excitement. "Macey is having another one of her episodes, she says she'll only talk to you."

Macey was a 7-year-old girl with a severe panic disorder, she was an amazingly sweet girl but it would get so bad she started hallucinating. "Where is she?" I knew I was there to quit but she needed me, I at least had to say goodbye to her.

"Follow me" I did and what I saw was the opposite of calming. Macey was standing in the middle of a fountain. There were adults all around her yelling at her and telling her to get out of there. 

"Step aside please," I said, moving one of them aside. 

I could hear my boss saying "Stop yelling, she's scared."

There were tons of medical staff there looking perplexed as the little girl screamed her lungs out and cried. Seeing her like this always managed to break my heart as well. "Macey," I said sweetly, using a soothing tone. She didn't seem to hear me over her own screaming so I came a little closer, afraid that if I approach her too suddenly she might run off and hurt herself. 

Sadly, if this were an adult drugs would have been administered to knock this patient out, and while it might be necessary sometimes - ie. when the patient becomes aggressive- it was not the right approach all the time. Especially when it came to children.

"Macey," I said again, but it wasn't until I stepped into the fountain she noticed me. Her eyes showed a glint of recognition.

"Diana?" she said through her tears, not sure if I was real or not. I crouched down, trying to avoid touching the water but it was inevitable as she rushed over and gave me a hug, making me fall.

She couldn't talk, she was too scared, so I gently helped her ground herself. She realized where she was and eventually was able to tell me what had happened. It was something that was said to her, seemingly completely innocent but she got so triggered she started running, and as people only kept following her, what she wanted was to be alone.

I talked to her a bit and finally convinced her to get out of the fountain.  Dr. Ladley took her away and It wasn't until then that I noticed Harlan standing there looking absolutely astonished.

"What are you doing here?" I guess I should have expected him to show up after he asked me where I was. At the moment I just thought he was asking to check on me.

"I'm on babysitting duty remember?" he said, his amazement being buried deep in him as he stared at me.

"I see" I rolled my eyes "I'm not done here" I announced.

"Haven't you quit yet?" he asked surprised.

"I... will" I ventured "I just--"

"I get it," was all he said as he turned around and started walking away.

"What? Where are you going?" I had to basically shout. Jesus, he was a fast walker.

"I'll be waiting in the cafeteria, come and get me when you're done." And he was gone.

Was it me or did Harlan show empathy? It was so quick you might have missed it, but I was pretty sure he did. I saw it in his eyes. 

I stood there thinking about it for a while, so surprised I actually couldn't move. He understood this was hard for me, and didn't pressure me or mock me about it. I guess seeing me with Macey helped him understand what I feel.

And it also helped me realize something. What I loved about my job was helping people. And as long as I am able to help people I will be fulfilled. Maybe this was good, maybe change could be good.

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