Chapter 25

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When I woke up Harlan was gone. The sun now shined in the spot on the bed where he used to be as if highlighting his absence. 

And I felt his absence. Yesterday, when I turned, and found myself surrounded by enemies. If it hadn't been for the grey wolf that saved me I would have died. I didn't remember much, but I remembered that.

If I hadn't turned the moment I did...

I sat up and looked at my hands, realizing I must have turned back because the moon disappeared. It was a strange, terrifying, and exhausting night. In a way, the sunlight brought with it a new beginning. I was feeling poetic that day.

I looked around and stood up, the wounds that had been provoked last night were still healing, but I was healthy enough to roam the curious room I was in. It was bigger than mine, and it had herbs and glass jars of all kinds hanging about. It looked like a witch's potion room.

"Please don't start calling me a witch as well" Callum stated, startling me in the process "It's enough that Harlan's doing it"

"Jesus!" I grabbed my chest "You scared me."

"I do apologize," Callum said looking embarrassed  "Didn't mean to scare you, how are you feeling?"

"Better" I replied and he came closer chanting something as he examined me.

"Your wounds are healing quite well," he said, opening his glowing eyes.

"If you are not a witch what are you?" I asked "And what is this place?"  I said as my eyes spotted a jar of what looked like tongues.

"The infirmary" he stepped away and started walking, scouring the shelves for something "And as for what I am-- Aha!" he snatched a vial of a liquid that looked suspiciously like blood "I'm half druid," he handed me said vial.

"What is the difference?" I asked, and that seemed to set him off, he got so red I thought he might explode.

"What is the difference you ask??!!" he almost yelled "What is the--"

"What have you done?" a person chimed in from the door, his expression amused "Now that you have gotten him started we will never hear the end of it," The blond man said.

He was handsome, with defined features, and brown eyes. He was as tall as Harlan and had a lot of muscle. God, what do these people eat? Only protein? 'Cause damn.

"Blizzard, delightful to see you around," Callum said with a mocking expression. Blizzard?

"My name is Blaze" he declared, fuming.

"Do I look like I care?" Callum said. I was openly gaping, I had never seen Callum be anything but extremely zen and peaceful. "What are you doing here, Blizzard?"

"You should have more respect for your gamma," he said, crossing his arms. This was bad, from what I knew, gammas were like generals. Stubborn, undefeatable soldiers who hated being disrespected.

"And you should know better than to barge in unannounced," he retorted not even looking at him as he moved to search for something else. I didn't know much about wolf etiquette but even I knew ignoring a superior was a grave offense.

He was about to say something when I interfered, "Is your name really Blizzard?" I hoped he would take it as a joke,  as there was no way his name would be Blizzard, but it only seemed to deepen his frown as Callum started cackling.

"His parents were hippies" Callum announced nearly in tears.

"They were not!" he exclaimed "Wolves name their kids after nature and shit, it is common."

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