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She kissed him. And his world came crashing down.

 Blaze had known he felt something for Violette the moment he laid eyes on her. Who wouldn't? She was the most beautiful woman ever to walk the earth. And she was strong and badass. He liked her, and it bothered him.

But she teased him, got too close and it got him all confused. He wasn't sure if he wanted to fight her or fuck her against a wall until she was screaming his name. As time went by he started leaning for the latter. And then it was all he could think about. At first, he thought it was a physical thing but that all changed when she comforted him after he told Diana how he felt.

"Hey," she said, leaning on his doorframe with an easygoing smile on her face.

He didn't say anything, he was too embarrassed and too busy staring at the floor. He was also heartbroken, so he was trying his best to keep from crying.

She sighed "I told you not to tell her" She rolled her eyes, he didn't need to look at her to know that, he could hear it.

"Get out!" he snapped, finally looking at her, she didn't even flinch so he looked back down "Please."

"Please," she said moving to sit beside him on his bed "The moment I leave you'll be back to your sulking, I will not allow it" he wanted to say he was already sulking and that her being here wouldn't change anything, but he didn't. "Please refrain from wallowing in your own self-pity."

He looked at her then "I'm allowed to, let me"

"Why? Because you loved her? Don't be silly" she said waving her hand dismissively. That pissed him off big time.

"I do love her," he said angrily.

"You can't be serious!" she exclaimed with a smile "You fell in love with the first girl that was nice to you after a break-up? please, that's not you."

"You don't know me! We've only had one conversation that didn't end in a fight." she knew what conversation he meant. The one that was still confusing him to this day, the one where she fell asleep in his arms.

Her eyes darkened a little but she continued "Fine, then tell me what you love about her, tell me what about her makes you unable to breathe, to concentrate, to exist, when she's not around."

He stayed quiet for a moment, and when he did not find an answer he said "What do you know about my feelings? What does a selfish vampire like you know about love?" he regretted it as soon as he said it, he didn't mean to hurt her.

Violette laughed bitterly, pretending that wasn't a low blow "I've lived for five hundred years, Blaze," she lowered her voice "Love and loss have been recurrent and unending themes in my life."

He hated that for some reason, hated that she had loved so many. But what he hated the most was the longing in her normally ice-cold gaze, the nostalgia. "I'm sorry," he said.

"I am too" she looked him in the eye "I did not mean to undervalue your feelings, you are right. Only you can tell if you're in love or not." She placed a hand on his shoulder " I'm sorry Diana broke your heart."

But she didn't. Violette was right, Blaze didn't love her, he loved how she was with him. He liked her, a lot, but that was it. But he didn't realize this until later. He was never able to tell Violette she was right.

And that there only was one person that made him unable to breathe, concentrate, and exist when they were not around.

So he told her with his body as he kissed her back, as passionately as he could. He embedded that kiss with all of his feelings because he hoped this meant something, he hoped this meant he wouldn't lose her.

When he heard she still wanted to go through with her suicide he felt like he would die. He had never experienced so much pain, so much anger and confusion. He felt betrayed. 

But she was scared, he remembered that. Maybe she was scared of losing the people that she loved again or putting them in danger because of her father, but dying for them? She must have thought it was a noble act but it was simply a tragedy. A tragedy he wouldn't take part in.

So right now, he needed to convince her to stay. And he could only think of one way to do it.

Her hands started roaming around his body and his own did the same, desperate to get her even closer.

She pushed him onto the bed and took off his shirt. Greedily Running her hands along his abdomen. He kept his hands to himself, trying his best to stop himself before he asked for permission. "Are you sure?" he begged the goddess for her to say the exact words she uttered breathlessly.


 He sat up and helped her remove her transparent shirt that had given him an exciting sneak peek at the black lace top bra she was wearing beneath it. He kissed her stomach, one hand went to hold her up and the other under her skirt to massage her behind. Her moans were like music to his ears as she straddled him, leaning in to kiss him again.

The hand that was holding her up went to undo the clasps of her bra, and she smiled as he removed it, unable to stop gawking at her as he kissed them as well, moving his tongue expertly along the most sensitive part.

He was done with all of this as he scented her arousal, immediately needing to be inside of her, he gently placed her on the bed - or as gently as he could - and removed her bottoms and his. He waited for her approval as he slid inside of her.

And just as their bodies became one, he felt it. The electricity, the one that had been described to him so many times before. The one that was impossible to ignore.

 The electrical buzzing of the mating bond snapped into place.

 He stared at her for a second, completely confused, as he had no idea it was possible to mate with another species, and a vampire no less. He'd heard about humans, but never a wolf's mortal enemy. But then again, there he was inside of her, and it was like he couldn't get enough.

"Are you okay?" she asked, his mate asked, she was his now. His and no one else's.

He stilled himself, still staring at her worried face as he stopped moving, hell, he stopped breathing altogether. He had a choice to make, and it took him half a second to make it. He either told her now, or later.

He once again was leaning for the latter as he kissed her and started thrusting almost violently, but he couldn't control himself, it was his body claiming her, and she loved it. Told him to keep going until they both collapsed on top of each other.

It took her a second to compose herself as she asked him "Again?" and just like that, he was rock hard.


They must have done it about seven times last night, they couldn't stop, either of them. After all, if there was one thing vampires and werewolves had in common was their sex drive.

He woke up late, happier than he'd ever been, and the first thing he thought about was telling her. He rolled around to face her and jolted up as soon as he realized, she was gone.

He tried to calm himself down, she was probably okay, but he had a bad feeling.

And then he caught it, the scent of sulfur, the scent of him.

He got off the bed and looked for her around the room, trying to follow the trace of that fucking demon so he could kill him and get his mate back. But instead, he only found a note in Violette's dresser, a note written in blood that said:

Her time is up, she's mine now. 

He didn't sign it, but he didn't need to, he knew exactly who had left that note.


And that day he swore, on his fucking life he would get her back, be it the last thing he ever did.

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