Chapter 71

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I woke up to faint chanting, a couple of hours later. I looked around to see I was in a tent with weak lights and candles. It took me a second to remember what happened, but as soon as I did, I jolted up. I only had one thing on my mind.


I exited the tent, my legs wobbling and my head pounding as I scanned my surroundings for her. But all I saw was a circle of multicolored tents and a fire in the middle. Where the hell was I?

I started trying to detect her scent but then I heard it. A piercing and gut-wrenching scream came from the biggest tent in there. I practically ran over, my mind overcome with murderous intent as I was intercepted by someone. Someone familiar.

Arden's scent washed over me as she said "It's okay, we're okay, she's okay" But I was in a daze, still trying to get to her. "Hey!" she shook me, grabbing my attention.

"What's happening?" I asked as Selene screamed again.

"She's giving birth," she said as if it was the most obvious thing. And I supposed it was, but my head was pounding and my whole body hurt so I wouldn't say I was in the clearest state of mind.

Arden then explained what happened. 

The druids found us in the woods and thought we were going to attack them so they placed a protective barrier. That was what knocked me out.  I ran into an invisible barrier. They soon realized it was a misunderstanding and took Selene in, the leader was with her right then. 

The order druids were still chanting to keep the barrier up and us safe.

I hurried inside, wondering if they needed any help but one of the druids was there and seemed to be doing a great job. They had her in a tub of water that smelled warm. She was in a lot of pain but was still talking.

"Are you okay?" I asked, extremely worried.

"I'm fine, just thankful to the goddess" she sighed, speaking in between contractions. "Do you know anything about Damien?" she obviously wanted her husband -- mate -- to be there, but she also wanted him to be alive and well.

"I'm sorry, I barely know where we are" I confessed and she started having another contraction.

I looked at Arden who seemed to be in the same position as me: completely oblivious.

We stayed by her side for twelve hours. We were literally in the middle of nowhere without any drugs to accelerate or make it a tolerable process. We also couldn't risk a c-section for obvious and similar reasons.

So poor Selene had to wait. And she was more worried about her family than she was about her pain.

Eventually, the morning came, and with it, some good news.

"Let me in, for god's sake I swear I won't hurt any of you" I caught a distant voice with a familiar accent. Arden and I shared a look as she stayed and I bolted out of the tent to the perimeter.

And there she was, cursing and blabbing away. I had never been happier to see the stylish vampire than right now. "Violette!" I ran over and her eyes lit up.

"Do you know her?" one of the druids asked.

"Yes, she's a friend, please let her in," I said politely.

"The only reason you are in our camp right now is that you needed medical attention," the druid said "You can talk to her from this side of the camp or you can leave and never come back."

I was about to protest but I was afraid they'd kick all of us out and Selene needed a place to give birth safely. So I nodded and the man turned around and left. 

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded "Is everyone--"

"Everyone is fine, do not fret, how are you?" Violette waved her hand dismissively.

"We're fine, a little bit hurt and scared" I confessed "Selene's water broke in the middle of our trip, It was awful," I said, feeling already better having let it all out.

Violette gasped at the news "Is the baby here already?" 

"Nope, still in labor," I cringed "She's in a lot of pain and really tired"

Violette filled me in on her side of the story. Not sparing a single detail as eventually, she headed back to deliver the good news. 

I went back to the tent and told Arden everything while Selene tried to get some sleep after the druids used some spells to calm her pain.

We decided to tell Selene when she woke up that everyone was fine, avoiding the details that could stress her out or worry her even more.

But right now she slept. And I wondered how Harlan's wounds were healing. I wondered if he was in pain.

I had been so worried about him that I was exhausted, not having a single second to waste between making sure Selene was okay and surviving. But now that we were safe, I was more concerned about Harlan's safety than ever before.

I knew a gruesome and horrible battle was going to come, and I knew I couldn't be there to help -- if anything I would probably get in the way.

So I prayed to god, to the goddess, and to whoever was listening. 

I prayed that by this time tomorrow the war would be over and we could all have a peaceful life.

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