Chapter 63

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I walked over to the garden as I was instructed by Melanie Selene would be there.

To be honest, I had no idea this house had one, but it made perfect sense. A house this beautiful ought to have a garden and Selene looked like a person who knew how to take care of one.

I was led to the back of the house through an entrance I'd never seen before and just right there was a little garden with fruits and vegetables. Selene was standing in one of her long flowy sundresses just staring at it all.

"Hey," I said, coming over.

"Hello," she turned around, her belly now more noticeable than before.

I smiled, admiring the place "I had no idea this place had a garden."

"Well, neither did I until Callum told me," she smiled "It turns out, he gardens when he's stressed" I stifled a laugh. God, he is such an old man.

"I thought this was your garden" I admitted.

"Oh no, never, I have the opposite of a green thumb," she blushed. I guessed she indeed was one of those people who want you to feel at home.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I said, changing the subject.

"Yeah, actually, I wanted to talk to you about organizing the celebration" I nodded "I assume Harlan told you about it?" I nodded again. "Good?"

"How does this usually go?" I asked.

"It is normally a little less formal. We do a little gathering and invite members of every pack, but none ever come, usually, the only way we're all reunited is when Damien calls an alpha meeting" she twiddled her hair "It's just a formality, but all the members of the immediate and extended pack must know they have a beta female now." 

I understood why it could be important. I supposed I was now in a position of power and even though I didn't plan on giving any orders, they should know the person who is to be their beta female.

"I don't know how to plan this" I admitted and Selene gave me a short smile.

"That's why I'm here."

I was about to thank her when I was hit with a familiar wood-like scent. Selene looked beyond me with a worried look.

I didn't need to turn around to know who it was as he said "Diana, can we talk?"

Before I could respond Selene said, "I'll leave you two alone."

I slowly turned around and surveyed Blaze. He had no injuries, he was wearing the same clothes he had been wearing since the last time we talked. His hair was messy and he looked tired. His eyes were hollow and empty. I couldn't help but think this was all my fault.

"Hey," I said softly, offering him a smile he rejected by looking away.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded. He took a deep breath and smiled sincerely "I'm glad."

I went to move closer but he stopped me by lifting his palm "Harlan will know if we get any closer, it's not a good idea for you to come near me, at least for the next few months" he looked away, still smiling. 

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Hey," he looked down and scratched the back of his head as he said "At least I tried" his smile was genuine then. It did seem like him to look at things in a positive light, but I could tell he was suffering, I could see it in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said, unsure of what else to say.

"Don't be, you are happy and you're safe, that's all I wanted for you" he looked behind him and seemed to see something that made him slightly shake his head, the smile never leaving his face. "I have to go," He said, giving me a small nod as he turned around "I hope you'll always be this happy," he said before he started running toward a figure that was wearing a black cloak.

I hope you're happy too.


It took us two weeks to plan the goddamn party. Selene underestimated the number of people that RSVPd to the celebration. It seemed most people were curious to meet the new beta. And I was shitting my pants as I got ready for the stupid thing.

"I should have never agreed to this," I said, looking for something to wear in Harlan's closet. Well, our closet, now I guess. Because as soon as Harlan noticed I had put some of my clothes there he got so excited he got them all moved here. 

"It will be fine," Harlan said as he finished buttoning up his dress shirt. "Most people here are our friends."

"You have a lot of friends," I said, nervously pacing around the room as I waited for Melody to bring my dress. Selene said we had to invite every alpha of our pack, but that none would come... She lied. They all came and brought with them their gammas and betas. There were a lot of people here, so suddenly, it wasn't casual anymore, it was a black-tie event.

"Don't worry, they aren't here to judge you" Harlan said, reading my mind. "They're here to talk to Damien about the rebels and to see Selene, they all love Selene." He rolled his eyes.

Yes, everybody loved Selene, because she was a great Luna, and I was the Luna's right-hand woman. So I had to be a great beta, which I wasn't sure how to be. But everything would be fine, I was sure.

I opened the door for Melody who brought with her a dress she had made herself. It was dark blue, with a fabric that shined from within, the glitter concentrating more on the neckline and then fading out as it reached the bottom of the dress. It was an A-line dress with a halter strap neckline, that reached the floor. It's beauty made me gasp.

"You made this?" I asked feeling the material.

"Yes, do you like it?" She asked shyly.

"Of course, it's beautiful!" I said with a smile and she blushed as she looked away.

"I'll leave you to it, then," she said as she walked over to the door, bobbing her head slightly at Harlan in recognition as she exited the room.

I stared at the formal dress in awe and excitement. It was exactly what I would wear, I wonder how she knew.

"It's very pretty," Harlan said looking from over my shoulder as he hugged me from behind.

I smiled and sighed "Everything will be okay" I realized "Because you will be by my side all night, right?"



As we went down the grand stairs to where the party was being held, everyone looked at us. I saw so many young faces I was stunned. I supposed they all looked young even though they were older than me, Callum being a prime example. But even though they had young appearances some bore nasty scars a lot like mine, and their eyes were hardened with the horrors of war.

Selene stood at the bottom of the stairs in a silver glittery gown, next to Damien who was also dressed to the tens. I scanned the room and saw Elowen and Arden wearing black and red dresses respectively. Gemma was wearing a high-fashion dress with sheer fabric and butterfly sleeves, that had a body suit sown inside barely covering anything. Callum was wearing a floral suit and Blaze was wearing a normal one. I couldn't for the life of me see Violette and I think it was on purpose.  I'd heard many people here weren't happy we were cooperating with a vampire, no matter how nice she might be.

I also spotted Coraline with her mate giving us a big smile as we walked down those stairs.

My nerves increased as I saw how nicely decorated everything was. But as Selene introduced us around and I saw how welcoming everyone was the tension in the air dissipated.

That was until she appeared.

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