🌻 Chapter 12

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As soon as Max yells at me, the tears start to fall. And once they start, they just get worse and worse until warm tears are running in a continuous stream down my cheeks. I have never done well with yelling. "I'm sorry," I practically whimper it.

"This is WAY PAST sorry, Brook! You left without permission! You KNEW what you were doing, DAMN IT!" I hear sounds of the farm behind him, the crunch of his shoes on gravel.

I lean into the arm of the couch, somewhat burying my face in my arm for privacy. My voice is still weak, "My mom gave me permission, Max. She drove me to the airport." I'm trying to talk quietly because there are other people in this room. I don't look to see who because I don't want anyone to see my tears.

"Your MOM?!" His voice sounds incredulous that I would even suggest it. "Since when does she have a say? Why is THIS the first time she steps in? Your mom knows who's in charge and it isn't her, God damn it!" My mom has never been assertive with any of us. She mostly lets my Dad make decisions. And Max.

"Max, please." I just don't want him to yell. I wipe the back of my hands across my cheeks.

"Your Dad was pissed that your Mom let you go behind everyone's back. Your Dad said if he had known anything he would have made you get my permission. You are my future wife, after all. It's like all of a sudden you have no respect for authority." My Dad has always been Max's number one fan. He thinks because Max has me on a short leash that it keeps me out of trouble. His words. "You always pretended to be such a good girl, and now this! It makes me wonder if you've hidden other things. I feel like I don't even know who you are."

"Don't say that, Max. Please." I hear myself beg then sniffle and I know people will start to look at me. The problem is that I have no place private to go. I stand up and walk around the couch. I see both Ryland and Hayden holding their phones in front of their faces, not even looking at them, watching me with concern. 

Without making a conscious decision, I walk across the foyer and out the front door in my bare feet. I carefully walk up the cobbled path, avoiding the sharp gravel pieces, to the driveway. I follow it around the side of the house where there is a little bit of privacy. I step onto the lawn then move over to lean on the house's stucco siding. It is twilight now, starting to get dark.

Max has screamed my whole walk here. "Don't say what?! It's the God damn truth Brook. Who the hell are you and where is the girl I was going to marry? Why would you even do this? I don't understand what is going through your head! Was it Monica who put you up to this?!" I slide down the wall and sit on a paver by the house, stretching my bare legs out in front of me on the grass.

"No, I never told Monica a thing about it. I just wanted to travel, Max. You were the one that said that farmers and their wives don't get to travel much. I thought I'd do it before I became your wife. I'm still trying be good, I promise." 

Just as I say those words a beep goes off on my phone and I know I got a text. I pull the phone from my ear and see that it is from Austin. I tap the message. The phone goes to speaker phone automatically while I'm reading Austin's message and typing back.

Aussie: PEACH!!! There you are! You have no idea how good it is to get your message. Glad you are having fun! I should never have told you about Max. There is nothing you can do. Mom and Dad are fine now, they just had one fight. Don't even think about coming home! You have to enjoy yourself! We both know this might be the only time you get to travel. And whatever you do, don't contact Max. He is on a rampage. Wait and deal with him when you get home. 

A smile pushes its way through my tears as I text Austin back.

Me: Too late. I texted him. He already called me. He is yelling at me rn 😕

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