🌻 Chapter 20

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I look in the bathroom mirror at my cute sundress as I braid my hair over my shoulder. I see Danny's reflection behind me as he splashes in the tub. My mind keeps going back to my conversation with Max right before we left the community center. 

My nervousness skyrockets every time I remember his words. "Tonight's the night, you're ready." I'm ready? I feel like I would know if I were ready. I shouldn't need him to tell me, right?

Max started asking about 'doing it' when he was seventeen. I was WAY too young to even consider it. I told him we should wait until I was eighteen. But last summer, when I turned eighteen, I still didn't feel ready. Max was very upset. He said that I promised, which I don't think I did. He said he would be the only guy at college that hadn't done it. He threw a fit for weeks trying to convince me. I told him that we could do it when I graduated. And even though graduation isn't for two weeks, Max thinks tonight is the night.

I tried to talk him out of it, I don't want my first time to be in some random hotel, especially when he has been so angry with me this week. But he said a hotel is romantic, especially here at the beach. And he said it would make him less angry at me. That I should show him that I'm committed to our relationship. 

But if I really am ready, then why do I get nauseous every time I think about it? I feel guilty trying to put it off again. He has waited for years. He deserves it right? I should be a good girlfriend?

I lift Danny out of the bath and wrap him in one of the luxurious hotel bath towels. "Your fingers are getting pruny, little one. Where is your brother with that diaper bag, huh?" 

He looks up at me with his beautiful big blue eyes, a darker blue than Ry's but still stunning. I touch my finger to the tip of his nose, "You are going to break some hearts, young man." He giggles.

Ryland comes through the door with a giant smile on his face. He so rarely smiles that it takes my breath away. "Sorry that took so long." He looks at Danny in my arms, "Did you have a nice bath, Buddy?"

Danny is sleepy but he smiles, "Book bath."

Ry chuckles, "You're getting awfully attached to Brook there, letting her give you a bath and all." 

I carry Danny to the pull out bed. "Danny had a whole lot of fun splashing in the bath. We didn't have any toys so we just had to do a lot of splashing." I lay him on the towel on the bed. Ry hands me a diaper and some pajamas and I get to work dressing him. "Hayden came in just after you left to grab his suitcase. He is going to stay in his family's suite tonight. Apparently they have a hot tub and a balcony. Both Scott and Trey came, changed clothes and left."

"Found it." Ry holds up a little toothbrush that he discovered in the diaper bag. He looks at Danny, "Ready to brush your teeth, Bud?"

Danny shakes his head, "No teef!"

"No capes!" I wonder if he's even seen The Incredibles. I snap the last snap on his pajamas, "What if I help? Will you let me brush your teef?" I say it like him. Danny looks wary like I am trying to trick him. "You pick, do you want your brother to brush..." My voice goes down like this is a disappointing outcome. "...or meeeee to brush?" I say excitedly as I pick him up and cuddle him to my side.

Danny touches my chest, "Book teef."

"Good choice." I can't help but giggle. I look at Ry, "I win."

His icy blue eyes are piercing me like he has been watching me for a few minutes, "Yeah, you certainly do. You're clearly his new favorite." Ry is still smiling, my heart flutters at the sight.

"What has you so happy? I thought you reserved that smile for when we win." I ask as I walk to the bathroom. I turn to look at him before I go in, "We didn't win, Ry."

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