3: Betrayal

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"Lesson number three, 'Don't allow the voice of your fears to be louder than the voice in your head." Maryam uttered. With a dampened mood, she alighted from the car without waiting for her children nor her husband. Going to that mansion was the most terrible decision she's ever made in eight years.


13TH JANUARY, 2007.

"Aren't you going to take this?" Zainab raised a green floral dress, which belonged to Zara.

Zara gave the dress a once over for about fifteen seconds before shaking her head negatively. "Eww. I don't like it. Plus, it's green." She continued stuffing her jeans, sweatpants and shirts inside the small black suitcase.

"You're going to Hawaii, you need at least five dresses." Zainab tried to persuade her into it but Zara was way too stubborn to pay heed to her elder sister. Aaron and Zara are taking a one week vacation to Hawaii before school resumes. Zainab has been there twice and to say she doesn't like the place would be a total lie. It was lovely. But she wanted to spend her last week with her parents before school resumes.

"I don't like dresses." Zara rolled her eyes.

"But why not?"

"Because her heart is made of dark colours and shades just like mine." Aaron chuckled as he stuffed his own clothes inside his suitcase. He was eager to leave for Hawaii.

"Exactly!" Zara exclaimed.

"Mom, what color is their heart?" Zainab innocently questioned. Maryam who just brought the kids breakfast in bed chuckled at her question before fixing her apron.

"Their heart isn't black. It's red in colour. Your teacher will explain it better to you once you enter high school."

"Thanks, Mom." Zainab grinned as she started devouring her breakfast which was pancakes, waffles and maple syrup.

"What's lesson number four mom?" Zara wrapped a white veil around her head, covering her hair.

"Lesson number four, 'Don't let words of apology make up most of your vocabulary.' "

In thirty minutes time, they were through eating and packing their bags. Their family driver was outside waiting for Aaron and Zara. He would be the one escorting them to the town before they're being taken to their aunt's house.

"Aaru! Zara! Please help me style my hair before you leave!" Zainab shouted from her room downstairs. She had already washed the hair with one of Maryam's shampoo and conditioner. She also gave the soft brown hair some large curls then applied some hair oil on it.

"You just love it when we're late, don't you?" Aaron rolled his hair before collecting the hair curling wand  from her, recoiling it again. Zainab giggled knowing they'll never say no to doing her hair. "She does, she surely does." Zara used the parting comb to part a portion of her hair by the right and left, before successfully braiding them neatly as they met at the middle of the hair. Aaron was also done with curling it. Zara applied the hair gel and hair moisturiser while Aaron sprayed the hair sprayer all over it.

The waterfall braid was all done!

Zainab replicated her favourite barbie princess.

"All done." Aaron and Zara said in unison before washing their hands in the washroom. Zainab smiled taking in her look from head to toe in the full length mirror in front of her.

She was adorned in a carnation pink high neck dress with long tiered sleeves. The dress stopped just above her knees. Baby pink leather boots sheathed her feet while her white socks stopped below her knees. "You would pass as a barbie character." Zara laughed as she ambled out of the washroom, Aaron trailing behind.

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