24: Recovering

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9TH MAY, 2022.


The artist busied herself with the different palettes of colours as she stained the white canvas with acrylic paint. Grabbing a red spray paint from the cupboard next to her, she set it finishing touches to perfection then slowly discarded the tapes she had placed by the edges.

Giving it one last glance, she kept the painting near the other two ones she designed today, for it to dry.

Amani brought out another canvas to start working on. She grabbed a new paint brush then paused to decide on what sort of painting subjects she should lay out next. After a mental argument between landscape and genre painting, she settled on the former.

Just as the light brush was about to come in contact with the white sheet, the ringing tone of the intercom halted her movements. She heaved out a sigh, dropping the brush, Amani picked up the telephone sticking it to her ear.

She was eager to know why the call came in. The manager had given her a one month leave which commenced a day before but with lots of things running through her head, she'd rather lock herself in her office and drown her emotions with art than to stay at home.

"Yes, what is it?" Amani asked yearning for the clerk to get to the point. Why was he even bothering her? She's supposedly on her one month break so why the unwanted disturbance?

The clerk paused for a brief moment, Amani didn't sound like her usual gleeful self so he was taken aback for a moment. "Uh, you have a visitor, Miss Amani."

Her brows knitted together displaying confusion, "What do you mean visitor?"

"Well—" unfortunately for Albert, the clerk, he was cut short before he could even complete his sentence.

"Look, Alberto! I'm not liking the fact that my space and break isn't being respected in this museum. Might I remind you, I'm not even supposed be present here. If I wasn't here, I'm almost a hundred percent sure that I wouldn't be dragged out of my home, would I Alberto?"

"No, ma'am. I'm sorry for inconveniencing you." He quickly apologized for doing his job.

She released a breath she didn't know was holding then sat back down on the white swing chair. Venting out on him wasn't a good idea and she regretted it the moment it escaped her lips.

"Are you okay, Miss Amani?" He felt the urge to inquire about her state cause it was unlike her to react this way. As far as he's concerned, she's the sweetest and most benevolent staff.

She shook her head with a slight chuckle escaping her lips, "Y-yes, well no, I'm just stressed. I'm the one to apologize for how I spoke to you."

"It's no problem. Would you like to receive the visitor or should I send the person off?" He knew the answer to the question even before she replied.

Amani let out a slight groan then slumped back her shoulders, "Who is it?"

"Your bodyguard.." Alberto answered with a mixture of confusion. He knew her bodyguard and it sure wasn't a male.

Her eyes went wide, suffering from a brief moment of confusion. Is Zira conscious already? If so, then she's certain Adam or Zayn would've informed her of it. No, it can't be. "My bodyguard?"

"Yes. That's what he said." Alberto glanced at the tall fair man that was clad in an all black outfit, seated on the other side of the waiting room.

Amani tilted her head quizzically trying to place a pin on what was happening. "Okay. Let him in." It must be one of the family's bodyguard. Aunt or Uncle must've sent him since she was supposed to be on a leave.

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