25: The Pretty Girl

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11TH MAY, 2022.

The mere brightness of the hospital room was sickening, the flowers on the other side of the room made it more unbearable. I don't know if people are dumb or just intentionally pretend to be, because why on earth would you get me flowers!? Am I supposed to eat them or what?

Forcing the last fork of Alfredo inside my mouth, I kept the takeaway pack on the desk beside the hospital bed. If I remain in this environment for longer than thirty minutes then I'm certain I'll lose my mind. "Hailey, what's the date?" It just clicked to me that I was unaware of how many days I've spent here.

Apparently, Medina sent Hailey to stay here, in the name of taking care of me before I recover fully and get discharged.

She smiled before checking her phone, then graced me with a reply. "It's 11th May."

My eyes almost ripped itself out of it original socket as my eyebrows snapped together. Shit! How could I be so careless to not be cautious of the date. I've worked so hard for this, everything would've gone down the bin due to my negligence.

"Time?" I asked, anxiously pressing my nails against my skin.


That did it.

The original time I was supposed to be discharged was by 5:00pm in the evening. Seems like luck wasn't backing the doctor because I'm not staying here for more than an hour. I only had two hours and thirty minutes to set up everything. I refuse to allow my five months hard work to go in vain.

Luckily, the tubes and needle were discarded earlier in the morning and I had already been given my last dose of injection. The last was the aftercare drugs for the wound on my back. It has to be a miracle because I surely feel stronger than ever.

I'll take it as a miracle from Allah.


I bolted up to my feet, the gown dropping below my knees. It was good thing that I shattered that mirror else if I were to stare at myself in it again, I'll got nuts. "Where are my clothes?"

The clothes from the other day was drenched with blood, that, I'm certain. Aryan had sent some clothes for me last night. "You're supposed be resting. The doctor said-"

I cut her midway with an infamous eye roll, "-enough with the doctor shit, I'm sick and tired of it. Where are my clothes and other stuffs?"


"-I'm not going to repeat myself. Just give it to me."

She stared at me for a brief thirty seconds then sighed in exhaustion, conveying how tired she was. Medina should've allowed the poor woman to rest at home. I don't need anyone taking care of me, much less my family's murderers. She handed me a leather bag which appeared to have some of my belongings with some sanitary pads.

I collected it and made my way to the washroom. "Mrs Medina wouldn't be pleased." Hailey muttered but I turned a deaf ear to her words.

In no less than ten minutes, I changed into the black sweatpants and sweatshirt with black crocs.Slipping my apartment key, phone and pistol inside my pockets, I exited the washroom.

"If anyone asks you where I am, tell them that you went to get food for me then you returned to find the room empty. Okay?" Her reply wasn't relevant, I exited the building in no time. Aryan left two twenty dollar bills in the bag so booking a cab didn't come with extra difficulty.


I had taken a hot shower and did the necessary cleansing till I got rid of the hospital smell that had been irking me. I had also cut my hair to it original armpit length, making a mental note to do the three days fast. I applied a considerable amount of my vanilla scented lotion, spritzed some Vanilla scented deodorants and perfume. A soft cup hookless bra was the best option I had, it was the most comfortable one and it will be less stressful due to the wound on my back. I didn't want anything holding me back today because hell was about to break lose.

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