ch 16 - julien

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It had been 5 days since I had seen Jo and I was starting to get antsy. We had been putting in long hours at the studio, she had been putting in long hours at work, and just texting was not enough for me. I needed to see her in person and know she wasn't overworking herself. I knew Phoebe and Lucy missed her and Alex too, so I suggested we go see them at work after we finished writing the last song we wanted to work on for the day. We finished the song, ran back to the house we had been staying at to change clothes, and hopped in the car to head that way.

"I just want to say, you guys look so cute!" Phoebe said, ecstatically from the back seat.

"You have to say that, you got us these shirts," Lucy said, rolling her eyes.

Phoebe had gotten us all three matching skeleton t-shirts that looked like a rib cage. Of course, she wanted us all to match tonight.

"We're literally going to a Halloween themed bar, the least we can do is try to play into the theme," she argued.

When we got to the bar, I parked the car and we walked inside. We sat down at the bar, but Jo didn't see us right away.

"I want to start problems," Phoebe said with a smirk. "Watch this," she said as she pulled out her phone.

I watched as she pulled up Jo's contact and sent her a text that just said, "read me." Then we all three watched as Jo handed the man at the bar his drink and turned around to pull her phone out of her back pocket.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Phoebe called at her from our end of the bar. "What do you think you're doing on your phone when there are thirsty customers down here sitting at your bar? Have you no manners?"

She quickly turned her head with an annoyed look on her face. I saw all of the anger melt away when she made eye contact with Phoebe and realized that she was who had yelled at her.

"Phoebe! Don't scare me like that!" Jo said with wide eyes.

"I just wanted to cause problems. It was me that texted you anyway."

I watched Jo pull her phone out of her apron to fact check Phoebe. She smiled at her phone as she read through her notifications, and kept smiling as she put her phone back away.

"You are insane. What are you guys doing here?" she asked us.

"We decided we needed a break from the studio, and you guys are the only people we know here besides each other. We figured this was the easiest place to try to find you guys," Lucy said.

"Besides, Julien said you texted her that you were working tonight," Phoebe said. Jo looked over to me and gave me a brief smile.

"Well, I'm glad you guys are here," she said, looking deep into my eyes and smiling. "Can I get you guys something to drink?"

"Our usual please," Lucy said in a fake posh voice.

"Coming right up, m'lady," Jo responded as she dropped down into a curtsey.

"I almost forgot just how adorable she was," Phoebe said as she walked away to make our drinks.

"She's the cutest isn't she?" a familiar voice asked over my shoulder.

"Alex!" Phoebe exclaimed, reaching around me to give them a hug.

"Hey angel, how have you all been? Don't answer that, we've been texting, we can skip that part," they said, making us all laugh. "I would love to sit and chat, but I have to go inform everyone here that this week's Live Music Thursday has been canceled," they said in a disappointed tone.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"Our guy that was supposed to perform tonight just called and told me he can't come," they said, looking defeated.

"I just can't believe he canceled on you so last minute like that," Lucy said as Jo appeared back in front of us.

"I know, it's a shame," Alex said while looking down and shaking their head. "If only we knew someone who could sing and put on a show for our live music Thursdays we promise our guests."

"I mean, our instruments are in the car right now," Lucy said, trailing off.

"I mean, if it's not too much trouble," Alex said, their mood instantly brightening.

Phoebe slung her arm over my shoulder as we hopped down from our stools. The three of us walked outside in the direction of the car.

"Does anyone else think there is no guy?" I asked as Lucy opened the trunk.

"What do you mean?" Phoebe asked.

"I mean, it was surprisingly easy for Alex to cheer up when Lucy said we had our instruments in the car," I said, trailing off.

"She does have a point," Lucy said.

The three of us agreed it would be good to test out some other songs on the crowd, and started to grab our instruments. As I was grabbing my foot pedals from the trunk, Alex appeared out of nowhere. They looked angry as they stormed up to the car.

"Can I help you carry anything?" Alex said in an angry voice.

"You can grab JB's guitar," Phoebe said, knowing I wouldn't ask them for help myself. "What's wrong angel? What happened?"

"Jess is here. She's in there talking to Jo, and Jo made me leave," they huffed.

"What? Why is she here?" I heard my own voice ask.

"I don't know, and I'm pissed."

"Well I can see that baby, let's go back inside," Lucy said, patting Alex's back.

As we walked inside, I saw Jess standing at the bar talking to Jo. I felt a wave of jealousy crash over me as I watched Jess reach up and put her hand on Jo's shoulder.

"I really think you should leave," I heard Jo say as my eyes zeroed in on my phone so I didn't have to watch this unfold in front of me anymore.

"I think you should leave too," I heard Alex chime in.

I kept my eyes on my phone so I didn't have to look Jess or Jo in the eyes.

"I need you to get out of my bar right now," Alex continued. "I made a mistake when I threatened you at your job, but this is my turf and I know no one here would be upset if I kicked your ass right here, right now."

"It's true," said a voice at the bar. I turned my head to see the guy from the first time we came here. The one that Alex pulled Jo away from to come meet us. "Everyone here loves Jo, and if you're here begging for another chance, you obviously fucked up. If Alex says you need to leave, you need to leave," he said as he lifted his glass up to take a drink.

I felt Alex immediately become less tense as Jess walked away. I was putting my phone back in my pocket when I heard a now familiar voice call out through the bar.

"Please just consider. I love you, Jo," she said in a voice that sounded like she was about to cry. And then she left. 

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