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*3 months later*

"I can't believe she just punched you in the face," Nick said from across the bar. "I mean, I know you've told me the story before, it just still baffles me every time. She's kinda badass for coming right back to work the next day though, right?" he said as he turned to his friend that he had been bringing to the bar with him for the past few weeks.

"I mean, I haven't known you very long," Nick's friend Liv started. "But that makes so much sense," they said, causing me to laugh.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," I replied with a laugh.

"It's a compliment, baby," they echoed.

"Now who are you calling baby when I'm not around?" Alex said as they appeared next to me behind the bar.

"Oh come on, you know you're the only one for me," Liv said in a dramatic voice. "When are you gonna let me take you out?" they said to Alex as their voice shifted to a more serious tone.

"You know we work all the time," Alex said with a hint of hesitation in their voice.

"They're actually off tomorrow," I chimed in, causing Alex's face to twist in confusion. "I decided that I need a break from them and you seem like the perfect babysitter," I said to Liv.

"That is so rude," Alex started before they were cut off by my phone buzzing on the counter. "We'll continue this later, your lover girl is calling you," they said.

"Excuse me, lads," I said to the three of them as I stepped away to answer Julien's call.

"Hellooooooo!" I heard multiple voices shout on the other end of the phone.

"Hi!" I said back, way more enthusiastically than I had originally planned. "I miss you guys!'

"We miss you too!" Lucy shouted into the phone.

"But Julien misses you moooost," a somewhat familiar voice said into the phone in a sing-songy voice.

"Who else is there?" I said, confusion evident in my tone.

"We're here with the band that's been opening for us the past few weeks, MUNA say hi," Julien said into the phone.

"Heeeyyyy," a chorus of voices said.

"MUNA?! I LOVE MUNA," I replied. "I have been listening to them forever!"

"We love our fans," the voice I now recognized as Naomi said, causing me to laugh.

"Alex would be so jealous if they knew I was on the phone with MUNA right now," I said, still laughing.

"I mean, tonight is the last show that we have for a few weeks, what are you two goons up to for the next month?" Phoebe said.

"Hanging out with you lot I would assume," I said as a smile spread across my face. "I'm currently trying to set Alex up with Nick's friend. You guys remember Nick right?"

"How could we forget that king?" Phoebe said.

"He's been bringing his friend Liv to the bar with him for the past few weeks, and I think they have a little crush on Alex," I said with a smirk as I looked back over at the two of them at the bar. "I think the crush is reciprocated if I say so myself."

"Are they nice?" Julien asked, making me smile. "Alex deserves someone nice."

"Agreed," Phoebe and Lucy said at the same time, causing themselves to laugh.

"They're the nicest. They've been sweet to Alex since day one," I reassured everyone.

"We just wanted to call and say hey and that we'll see you soon," Julien said into the phone. "We have to run, but I'll call you after this show?"

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